A Style Guide? Yes, in case you've ever wondered about how we prefer to format bits of information on the Vocal Area Network website.

Our style goals: consistency of presentation and clarity of information.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 Fully spelled out day and month; comma between day and month; comma between date and year; no ordinal ("th") on date.
12:01 PM 12-hour clock; AM or PM capitalized with no periods and a space before. Use "noon" or "midnight" following time rather than AM or PM for clarity. Alternatives: use 11:59 AM or 12:01 PM for noon; use 11:59 PM or 12:01 AM for midnight.
7-9 PM
11 AM-1 PM
from 7 to 9 PM
from 11 AM to 1 PM
AM and PM in caps with no periods. Separate AM and PM from the time; if using "from" also use "to" rather than a hyphen.
552 West End Avenue (at 87th Street) No abbreviations. Cross-street (if available) in parentheses.
New York, NY Spelled out city, two-letter state abbreviation (with no periods). Zip codes generally not needed for concert listings. If required for other purposes, zip code follows two-letter state abbeviation with just a space.
Phone numbers
212-555-2125 Hyphens rather than periods. No parentheses around area code. No need for +1 before number.
Links Generally, no http:// or https:// in the displayed link text.
Brahms's Requiem Use "'s" even after nouns or names ending in "s".
Bach: Jesu, meine Freude
Bach: "Kyrie" from Mass in B Minor
Composer (using upper and lower case) followed by a colon. Title in italics. Sections of a larger work in quotation marks followed by the complete work's title in italics.
Oxford comma
Red, white and blue Generally, no comma before the "and" of simple lists of three or more items. For lists of phrases, optional inclusion before the final "and" if warranted for additional clarity.