Ads will run on most of the site's pages. Each month, the Vocal Area Network site receives about 4,500 visitors, with over 14,000 page views.
What?Ads promote your concert (or event), your auditions, your CD (or other product) or your service. Ads also help build awareness of your organization, its activities and offerings, over and above the listings that VAN provides as part of its free services.
Ads are standard banner size, 468 x 60 pixels. Your ad may be in GIF, animated GIF, JPEG or Adobe Flash (SWF) format. File size should be no larger than 50k. Here are some samples:

Ad for auditions

Ad for CD

Ad for services

Need help designing a banner? Try these sites: bannersnack, Banner Maker Pro, Ad Or search the web for "free banner ads."
How much?Our easy "Time-Based" pricing: just $35 per ad for an initial placement of up to three weeks; each additional three-week run of the same ad is just $25.
Ad runs are time-based. We hope that this will make planning your ad placements very straightforward. Your ad will be placed into rotation with other ads so that visitors to the site will not see the same ads all the time. If you'd like to place an ad for longer than nine weeks, contact us for special pricing.
By comparison, a one-inch ad in the Sunday New York Times costs hundreds of dollars. (Source: The New York Times.) Yes, their audience is bigger, but how many of those readers care about vocal ensemble music?
Here's what Christine Hoffman, former music administrator for the Sacred Music in a Sacred Space series at the Church of Saint Ignatius Loyola, says about VAN Ads:
Lots of bang for the buck. We realized that we could advertise our entire five-concert season--and have our programs in front of the very concentrated VAN audience almost continuously--for $175.00, less than the cost of just one ad almost anywhere else.
Placing an adSend an e-mail to Steve Friedman with "VAN Ad Placement" in the subject line and include the following:
Billing information- Your name and/or the name of your organization.
- Contact information (e-mail and phone) for the person responsible for paying the bill.
- Your payment
VAN currently accepts checks and PayPal. Invoices will be sent from PayPal via e-mail after the ad is placed.
- The URL (web address)
to which the ad should be linked.
Visitors clicking on your ad will be redirected to the the page you specify. For a concert, this might be the page on your group's website that gives details about the performance, or the page that allows them to order tickets. For a CD, this might be a page on your site with sample tracks or an ordering page from a web merchant who stocks the product. For a service, this might be your web site home page or a page with details about the service you are advertising. - Your ad, as an attachment to the e-mail.
- Start and stop dates, if your ad is time-sensitive.
We collect statistics on each ad: the number of impressions, the number of "click-thrus" and the click-thru rate. These can be made available to you upon request.
Further questions?Contact Steve Friedman at