See NEW ON VAN on the home page for the most recent 10 items.
- May 7, 2024: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Everybody Sing (Canti Tutti), a new group based at Columbia University that's open to all -- no auditions, no fees.
- April 5, 2024: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Westchester Gilbert & Sullivan Group, an informal group meeting monthly to perform G&S operettas.
- February 12, 2024: New link for Vocal Ensemble Laboratory, a Westchester-based resource for short-run choirs and workshops.
- January 7, 2024: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for All Soul's Community Choir. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Kean University Community Chorale in Union, NJ. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Schola Sine Nomine in Ozone Park, NY.
- December 13, 2023: Fixed a formatting issue with the home page, Concert Calendar and Choir Auditions pages. Had to adjust the save page dialogue on the new computer I'm using. Thanks to Caryn at Central City Chorus for alerting me to the problem.
- November 22, 2023: New Choir Directory listing for the St. Agnes Church Schola Cantorum. New Choir Directory listing for the St. Agnes Church Parish Choir.
- November 15, 2023: New link for Music Industry How To, helping musicians, music industry professionals and music lovers learn aspects of the music industry.
- November 14, 2023: New link for Le Chant des Oyseaux, offering summer (and other) choral workshops in France.
- October 3, 2023: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Goro, a one-on-a-part Renaissance vocal ensemble based in Freeport, NY.
- September 26, 2023: We believe that we have restored the Concert Calendar New Listing form to proper functioning. (It had been the only casualty of our move to a new web hosting provider a few weeks ago.) If you run into issues using it, though, please let Steve Friedman know.
- September 15, 2023: Eagle-eyed observers of the bottom of the VAN home page may have noticed the disappearance of the banner thanking Panix for hosting this website. As of September 8, VAN has moved to another hosting service. We are grateful to Panix for its past support.
- September 6, 2023: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the St. Luke's Community Choir in Katonah, NY, directed by Harold Rosenbaum.
- August 10, 2023: New Choir Auditions ad for The Brasiles Ensemble
- June 26, 2023: New Choir Directory listing for Cappella Festiva Cor Capriccio Children's Choir, a non-auditioned group for ages 7-11 in Poughkeepsie, NY.
- May 15, 2023: New links for OPERA America and its OPERA America's National Opera Center, offering rehearsal spaces for choruses, ensembles and individuals.
- February 14, 2023: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New York Gregorian Chant Project.
- January 16, 2023: New Choir Directory listing for the Washington Heights Community Choir, a no-audition choir in upper Manhattan.
- December 15, 2022: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the St. John's Choir, a semi-pro church choir in Somerville, NJ directed by Mark Trautman.
- December 4, 2022: New link for New York Theatre Guide.
- November 30, 2022: We've done some culling of the elements on the home page, mainly to remove links to sites that are no longer extant or useful.
- October 17, 2022: New link for Skillshare, offering online classes in music and other endeavors.
- September 20, 2022: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the West End Community Choir, a new choir based on the Upper West Side.
- September 10, 2022: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Old Mill Singers, a community chorus based in Ossining, NY.
- July 25, 2022: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Larchmont Madrigals, a newly-formed group in Larchmont, NY.
- July 15, 2022: In the interest of more secure web-browsing, all visitors to Vocal Area Network will now be redirected to the https:// version of the site.
- June 1, 2022: We've cleaned up some listings in the Choir Directory. Thanks to Merve Ciplak for identifying a handful of ensembles that are no longer active.
- May 19, 2022: New Choir Directory listing for The Brasiles Ensemble, an a cappella quintet based in Garrison, NY.
- May 4, 2022: New Choir Directory listing for the St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church Choir in Baldwin, NY.
- January 26, 2022: New link for Singing and You, Gretchen Greenfield's site devoted to learning how to sing better.
- January 13, 2022: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Catskill Choral Society, based in Oneonta, NY.
- November 18, 2021: Ensembles come, ensembles, go. And when they go, they usually don't let us at Vocal Area Network know of their demise. If you come across listings for groups that seem no longer to be extant, please drop me a note at steve.friedman@van.org and let me know. Thanks to Merve Ciplak for identifying five or six groups in the no-longer-active category.
- September 13, 2021: We've made another tweak to how we differentiate between current and past Sustaining Members. Current Sustaining Members will be those who have contributed within the past twelve months. Past Sustaining Members will be those whose most recent contribution occurrred more than a year ago. Hope that makes things clearer.
- August 26, 2021: The BVS Women's Choir is now the Brooklyn Treble Choir.
- August 5, 2021: New link for NYC Choral Freelancers, a Facebook group dedicated to all those who toil in the fine professional choral ensembles of NYC.
- July 12, 2021: We've done our periodic (but perhaps not frequent enough) cleanup of links and sites in our Links Collection. Please let us know if you find links that are dead or in need of updating.
- July 8, 2021: New link under "Tools" in the Links Collection for ScanScore, a utility to scan, play and edit sheet music.
- June 10, 2021: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The St. Luke and St. Matthew Church Choir in Brooklyn.
- May 26, 2021: The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus / JPPC is now The Yiddish Philharmonic Chorus.
- April 8, 2021: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad (detailing their upcoming Summer Intensive) for the Westchester Children's Chorus, based in Larchmont.
- April 1, 2021: New link for Fides Cantat, a choral festival for chamber and youth choirs up to 40 singers in Wittenberg, Germany scheduled for June 2022.
- March 8, 2021: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Putnam Chorale Youth Chorus.
- February 23, 2021: New link for Como Cantar Bien, offering instruction in singing and vocal health (en español).
- February 15, 2021: New link for PlayScore 2, a sheet music scanning app that plays scores from photos or PDFs.
- February 12, 2021: New link for Cantar Bien, serving the Latin communities in Los Angeles, offering free vocal lessons and choir classes for youth.
- February 1, 2021: New link for Rehearsal Live Share, a platform for remote multi-user rehearsal and recording that works around the issue of internet latency. Thanks to Cathy Markoff for the tip about this software.
- January 14, 2021: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Newyorkers Chorus, the Poughkeepsie, NY chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
- December 16, 2020: Fixed a problem with the home page, Concert Calendar, Info Exchange and Article Archive, wherein the pages were not formatted at all. Thanks to Tina Heidrich for pointing out the issue. If you're still seeing unformatted pages, just hit Refresh on your browser.
- November 27, 2020: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Count Basie Center Gospel Choir.
- November 3, 2020: New link for Stay at Home Choir, which offers opportunities to sing together with musicians from around the world.
- September 17, 2020: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Montclair Early Music.
- July 21, 2020: New link for The Vocal Hub, a UK-based online coaching service hosted by Sofia Maffei.
- June 18, 2020: We've added "Online" as a locale for our Concert Calendar listings, and you can filter the listings to show only "Online" events. We're also happy to accept listings for online events. Use the Concert Calendar New Listing form.
- January 4, 2020: New Choir Directory listing for Transcend Vocal Ensemble, a gender-inclusive treble ensemble based in Manhattan.
- December 19, 2019: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for East Flatbush Community Voices.
- December 10, 2019: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Oceanaires, a barbershop chorus based in Toms River, NJ.
- October 25, 2019: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Boricua College Choir, a community choir based at Boricua College's Manhattan campus.
- October 23, 2019: We've fixed some code on the Choir Auditions page so that alphabetical sorts now work correctly. Groups with "The" in their names had been mistakenly sorted under "T" rather than by the first non-"The" word in their names. We've also adjusted the gold and silver Sustaining Membership indicators in the Choir Directory and on the Choir Auditions page to conform to our new season-based Sustaining Membership policy.
- October 15, 2019: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Rockefeller Center Sings, offering a workshop culminating in a performance under the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree.
- October 14, 2019: New Choir Directory entries for ensembles in New Rochelle: a listing for the Choir at St. John's Wilmot Episcopal Church and a listing for Vocal Ensemble Laboratory, a workshop and networking group.
- October 7, 2019: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Brooklyn Outlaw Chorus.
- October 5, 2019: We've made a change to the way we recognize and acknowledge Sustaining Membership contributions. Starting with the 2019-20 season (which for us began on September 1, 2019), we will differentiate contributions made in the current season from those made in the past. We appreciate the support we've received since 2001 and will continue to list past Sustaining Members on our Sustaining Membership page and (for ensembles) on the home page. And we've established a new category to recognize contributions during the current season. We hope that those of you who continue to find value in Vocal Area Network will consider a current-season Sustaining Membership contribution.
- September 10, 2019: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Lux Mea Women's Chorus, based on the Upper West Side.
- August 31, 2019: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Montclair Community Chorus
- August 27, 2019: Some enhancements for the Choir Directory. We've added tags to more clearly indicate youth choirs and choirs that require no auditions. And you can now more easily filter on those criteria, too.
- August 27, 2019: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The KSVS Voice Ensemble, based in midtown.
- August 25, 2019: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Canitcum Novum Youth Choir, a group for kids 8-18 based in South Salem, NY.
- August 18, 2019: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Angel Choir, based in Greenwich, CT.
- July 24, 2019: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Music on the Hill, based in Wilton, CT.
- May 20, 2019: New VAN QuickLink for Sounds Choral, broadcast on WWFM.
- April 30, 2019: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Here to Sing, a non-audition pop/rock community choir in Manhattan.
- April 25, 2019: New link for Singing A Cappella at Home, a HomeAdvisor (!) tutorial with an interesting collection of a cappella resources.
- March 27, 2019: New link for The London Singing Institute, offering singing lessons for those in or near the UK capital.
- February 5, 2019: For those using non-Microsoft browsers, we've changed the layout of the Info Exchange so as to show only the ad titles upon first viewing the page. You then have the choice of expanding all of the ads or just the individual ads you'd like to see. (This feature is implemented using standard features of HTML5 that are not supported in Internet Explorer or Edge.)
- January 15, 2019: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Flushing Schiller Institute Community Chorus.
- November 12, 2018: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for CantaNYC, a new choir directed by Claude Lévy.
- October 31, 2018: New link for Music Books Plus, offering music and audio books, videos, CD-ROMs, DVDs, software and sheet music.
- October 26, 2018: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Choir, a new community choir based in lower Manhattan that focuses on pop hits along with contemporary and classic Broadway tunes.
- October 19, 2018: We've done some long-overdue housekeeping on the VAN Store page. Aside from freshening the look to be consistent with other pages on the site, we've restarted our Amazon Associates program. Once again, you can support VAN when you make purchases from Amazon by starting your shopping at the VAN Store. We've even got some new music and book recommendations.
- October 16, 2018: Several new links in the Links Collection for ticketing and donor management services and a new link for chorus management (though that company is based in Vancouver). Thanks to Jacob Levine of Chorus Connection, who offered these resources during his presentation at the Programs Day run by the New York Choral Consortium this past Saturday.
- September 14, 2018: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for St. Paul's Chapel Choir, a new choir forming at Trinity Wall Street.
- September 6, 2018: New link for ChoralNation, connecting the world's choral community with organization and event listings.
- September 5, 2018: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Trinity Choir--Staten Island.
- August 12, 2018: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Kent Singers, a choir of 30+ singers based in Kent, CT.
- July 31, 2018: Listings for the Greater Middletown Chorale can now be found under GMChorale.
- July 15, 2018: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the North Shore Chamber Choir, based in Setauket.
- April 26, 2018: New checkboxes for the Choir Directory allow you to filter the list by locale and rehearsal night and, for the first time, to find choirs that don't require auditions.
- April 9, 2018: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Sing Choruses in Public, a midtown-based chorus specializing in the works of Gilbert & Sullivan.
- March 29, 2018: New link for The Vocal Company, offering services to make your a cappella better.
- March 17, 2018: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Trinity Baptist Church Choir on the Upper East Side.
- February 7, 2018: Made a small change to the code on the Concert Calendar so that anchored links from other pages (for example, the calendar listings on the home page) now take you to the correct spot in the calendar. Apologies for past misdirections.
- January 25, 2018: New link for Run by Singers, a UK-based outfit arranging singing holiday weeks and weekends since 2003.
- January 19, 2018: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the East End Singers, a self-directed group of eight based in Port Jefferson, NY.
- January 15, 2018: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Encore Chorale. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Encore Rocks. Both groups, based in Manhattan, are offerings of Encore Creativity for Older Adults and are intended for singers 55 and older.
- November 29, 2017: New link for OPUS Tours, performance tour specialists to more than 40 countries.
- October 30, 2017: New Choir Directory listing for The Mark Howell Singers, a Gospel-focused group based in Manhattan.
- October 25, 2017: Major updates for choirs affiliated with New Jersey's Continuo Arts. The Continuo Arts Civic Chorale has become the Civic Chorale of New Jersey. The Continuo Arts Children's Chorus is now the Children's Choir of New Jersey. The Continous and The Continuo Arts Singers have combined to become the Youth Choir of New Jersey. And Seniors Sing! has joined the lineup. See the Choir Directory and Choir Auditions for updated information.
- October 10, 2017: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Reverb, a Manhattan-based a cappella ensemble.
- October 2, 2017: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Christ Church Riverdale Choir.
- September 28, 2017: New Choir Directory listing for the Vocal Workout Singing School, offering private and group lessons in Manhattan.
- September 18, 2017: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Parish Choir of the Church of St James the Less, based in Scarsdale.
- September 12, 2017: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Harbormen Chorus, a Suffolk County-based men's four-part harmony group.
- September 8, 2017: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Basilica Schola, based at the Basilica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral in Soho.
- September 6, 2017: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Central Jersey Choral Society, a community chorus in Ewing Township, NJ. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Hopewell Valley Chorus, a community chorus in Pennington, NJ.
- August 31, 2017: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New Jersey Choral Society Festival Youth Chorus. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Crescent Singers, a chamber choir based in Plainfield, NJ.
- August 13, 2017: The Bella Voce Singers will now be known as BVS Women's Choir. New Choir Directory listing for the Kips Bay Chorale.
- July 19, 2017: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Inspire, a Manhattan-based chamber choir that seeks to promote unity through the choral arts.
- June 21, 2017: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Ember, the new name for the Schola Cantorum on Hudson ensemble. New link for Singerhood, offering a platform for mobile devices that guides students and amateurs to develop their choir singing skills through high-quality part recordings of the choral repertoire.
- June 8, 2017: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Long Island Harmonizers, a barbershop chorus based in Westbury, NY.
- May 15, 2017: New link for Tobacco Free Life, offering a page about smoking and singing.
- May 5, 2017: New link for VAN Magazine, a subscription-based fanzine covering contemporary, classical and early music. The magazine is named after Ludwig van Beethoven and is not affiliated in any way with Vocal Area Network.
- May 3, 2017: New link for Musicaroo, Camila Rabin's resource site for beginning singers, violinists and trumpeters
- March 31, 2017: New Choir Directory listing for Key of Q, an LGBTQ a cappella chorus in Kingston, NY.
- March 21, 2017: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Sonaré, Continuo Arts Foundation's year-long Young Artist Program, based in Summit, NJ.
- February 27, 2017: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Stamford Chorale.
- January 15, 2017: New link for Best Vocal Lessons, a site offering techniques and tips for aspiring singers.
- November 22, 2016: New link for Galaxy Music Notes, featuring downloads of piano sheet music.
- October 11, 2016: New link for We Love Singing, a site offering tutorials and resources about singing.
- October 4, 2016: New link for National Sawdust. New link for Shalshelet, whose mission is to enhance spirituality and build community through the creation and dissemination of Jewish sacred music.
- September 23, 2016: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New Jersey-based Woodbridge Community Choir
- September 22, 2016: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the RenChorNY, also known as the Renaissance Chorus of New York.
- September 21, 2016: New link for TakeLessons, offering articles, tips, resources and guides for singing students and teachers.
- August 19, 2016: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New York Youth Chamber Choir.
- August 17, 2016: We've done our periodic clean-up of the Links Collection. As always, send corrections and updates to steve.friedman@van.org.
- August 10, 2016: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Fort Washington Community Choir.
- July 18, 2016: New link for Manhattan Holiday Carolers (formerly Definitely Dickens Holiday Carolers), offering premium professional carolers.
- July 14, 2016: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the St. John Nepomucene Choir, a volunteer church choir on the Upper East Side.
- July 11, 2016: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Ensemble Companio, a traveling chamber choir that performs throughout the northeast.
- June 24, 2016: New listings for the Schola Cantorum of Saint Vincent Ferrer and for the Parish Choir of Saint Vincent Ferrer and Saint Catherine of Siena, both directed by James D. Wetzel.
- May 19, 2016: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Jackson Heights Community Chorus.
- May 13, 2016: New link for Amherst Early Music, the largest presenter of Early Music workshops in North America.
- May 11, 2016: You can now filter the listings in the Concert Calendar by locale. Enjoy!
- April 30, 2016: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New Jersey State Children's Chorus, an initiative of the Ars Musica Chorale. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Mezzo, a contemporary women's a cappella ensemble based in Midtown Manhattan.
- April 28, 2016: New link for Composers Work, a site for new and innovative choral compositions.
- February 27, 2016: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Brooklyn Schiller Institute Community Chorus.
- January 15, 2016: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Long Island Consort, a Chinese-American choir based in Little Neck.
- October 27, 2015: New Choir Directory listing for Grassroots Harmony, an activist community choir based in Crown Heights.
- October 22, 2015: In the interest of keeping the Info Exchange as fresh as possible, the default duration for ads has been reduced from three months to two months. Longer or shorter durations remain available upon request.
- October 15, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Fieldston Choral Society, an SATB choir on the Upper West Side.
- September 12, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Kachanov Ensemble, a newly-forming professional chamber choir directed by Nikolai Kachanov. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Christ Church Bordentown Choir in Bordentown, NJ.
- September 10, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Harmonic Insurgence, an a cappella vocal ensemble in Brooklyn.
- September 3, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Elision Vocal Ensemble, based on the Upper West Side.
- August 31, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Church of St. Teresa of Avila Choir in Summit, NJ.
- August 20, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Choral Society of The Moriches.
- July 22, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Brooklyn Sweet Adelines Chorus.
- May 31, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Downtown Voices, a new semi-professional choir based at Trinity Wall Street.
- May 20, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the First Presbyterian Church of Freehold Chancel Choir.
- May 8, 2015: New link for Conduct, an intelligent scheduling app for professional musicians.
- April 28, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Unsettled Scores, a new community choir based in the Gramercy area specializing in rock and pop music.
- April 23, 2015: New link for Interkultur, "the world's leading organizer of international choir competitions and festivals since 1988." New link for Chorus Connection, a site offering easy online tools for managing choirs.
- April 15, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New York Cabaret Club.
- April 10, 2015: New links for QuitDay, about the effects of smoking on singing, and the American Lung Association. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Schiller Institute Community Chorus, a community chorus based in Midtown.
- March 15, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Suffolk County-based Huntington Men's Chorus.
- March 4, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Island Hills Chorus, a chapter of Sweet Adelines International in Hauppauge, NY.
- February 25, 2015: New link for The Diction Police, a site offering singers tools for improving diction.
- February 13, 2015: New link for Singing in Theater, a resource page for singers. Thanks to Courtney Phillips and her kids at afterschoolcareprograms.com for the suggestion.
- February 12, 2015: New Choir Directory listing for Shore Voices, a women's a cappella ensemble based in Middletown, NJ.
- February 2, 2015: New link for the Yale International Choral Festival, coming up in June 2015 in New Haven, CT.
- January 29, 2015: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for North River Sing, a community chorus in Jersey City dedicated to the Great American Songbook.
- January 26, 2015: New link for The Singing Experience, workshops for aspiring singers conducted by Linda Amiel Burns.
- January 22, 2015: New link for ChoirFestivals.info, an online directory of choir festivals.
- January 13, 2015: New link for Choir-Mart Accessories, offering concert-wear for choirs. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Children's Jazz Choir of NYC.
- December 24, 2014: New Choir Directory listing for New York Chamber Choirs, a new venture directed by Alistair Hamilton.
- December 12, 2014: We've added titles to the ad listings in the Info Exchange to make them easier to scan.
- November 15, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Urban Kantorei, a mixed-voice choir based in midtown Manhattan.
- October 21, 2014: New Choir Directory listing for the Brooklyn Interdenominational Choir.
- September 8, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Village Chorus for Children and Youth, based in the East Village.
- September 3, 2014: New Choir Directory listing for Hudson Opera Theatre, based in Sugar Loaf, NY.
- August 31, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Young Voyces, a treble youth choir in Staten Island.
- August 26, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for NJWOMENSONG, a women's choir based in Hunterdon County, NJ.
- August 25, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The College of Saint Rose Women's Chorale, based in Albany, NY.
- August 19, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Glen Ridge Congregational Church Chancel Choir in Glen Ridge, NJ.
- August 15, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Melodia Singers, a newly-formed women's ensemble in Basking Ridge, NJ.
- August 14, 2014: Design updates for the Advertise and About VAN pages to bring them in line with the rest of the site.
- August 12, 2014: We've made some changes to the VAN home page. Navigation is now across the top and upcoming concerts have been moved to the left column. This change allows greater visibility for the latest audition listings and most recent postings in the Info Exchange in the right column. Behind the scenes, we've brought the code more in line with current standards for HTML and CSS. We've tested this on IE 8 and 11 along with current versions of Firefox, Chrome and Safari. If you run into anything anomalous with the layout, please let us know. Enjoy!
- August 7, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for VOCTET, a new chamber choir on the Upper West Side specializing in early music.
- August 4, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Choir, a church choir in Forest Hills, NY.
- July 30, 2014: Grace & Spiritus Chorale of Brooklyn has changed its name to Grace Chorale of Brooklyn.
- July 15, 2014: New Choir Directory listing for the Wyandanch Youth Center Chorus, a partnership of Usdan Center and the Family Life Center/Wyandanch Youth Center.
- July 14, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Zelo, a vocal chamber ensemble based at Drew University in Madison, NJ.
- June 12, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Middle Community Chorus, based at Middle Collegiate Church in the East Village.
- June 3, 2014: New Choir Directory listing for No Strings A Cappella, a mixed vocal ensemble in Sussex County, NJ.
- May 23, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Chancel Choir of the Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church in Plainfield, NJ.
- May 3, 2014: Rutgers Collegium Musicum is now Collegium Musicum, an independent early music ensemble.
- April 22, 2014: A tasty new link for Cooking A Cappella, featuring cooking classes with a musical twist, hosted by tenor-composer-chef Lawrence Rush.
- March 28, 2014: New link for Forte music notation software.
- March 19, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Long Island Children's Choir.
- March 11, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Giving Voice, a women's a cappella ensemble in Lincroft, NJ.
- March 10, 2014: New links for Sing Human Rights, a site devoted to settings of the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and for EarMaster, software for ear training and sight-singing practice for music students and music teachers.
- February 25, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Rainbow Chorus, a four-part chorus in Kingston, NY open to LGBTQ and LGBTQ-friendly men and women. New Choir Directory listing for Tapestry, a new volunteer choir based in Lower Manhattan. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Connection Community Chorale in Long Island City.
- February 14, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Connecticut-based Greater Middletown Chorale.
- February 11, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Saint Joseph Parish Choir in Spring Valley, NY.
- January 25, 2014: New link for The Center for Vocal Health, part of the Voice and Swallowing Institute at the New York Ear and Eye Infirmary. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Middle Church Jerriese Johnson Gospel Choir in the East Village.
- January 20, 2014: New Choir Directory listing for the St. John's Lutheran Church Adult Choir in Summit, NJ.
- January 16, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Festival of Voices, an SATB choir based at Marble Collegiate Church.
- January 15, 2014: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Chorale of the Church of St. Patrick, Huntington.
- December 1, 2013: New Choir Directory listing for the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown Choir in Yorktown, NY.
- November 25, 2013: New link for ConcertTour.org's listing of New York concerts.
- November 18, 2013: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Aftersox, a post-collegirate women's a cappella ensemble in Park Slope.
- November 8, 2013: New Choir Directory listing for TENET, the professional vocal ensemble directed by Jolle Greenleaf. New link for the Cape Town Choir Festival in Cape Town, South Africa, held during March and October.
- November 7, 2013: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for LushTongue, a new women's vocal ensemble based in Brooklyn.
- October 24, 2013: New Choir Directory listing for the Holy Rosary Church Adult Choir, a volunteer church choir in the Bronx.
- October 19, 2013: New Choir Directory listing for the Brookdale Concordia Chorale, a community chorus based in Lincroft, NJ. New Choir Directory listing for the Concordia Youth Chorale, a girls' youth choir in Middletown, NJ.
- September 30, 2013: New link for Send Me Music, a UK-based outfit specializing in digital sheet music downloads.
- September 15, 2013: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for New York Bulgarian Women's Choir, the successor to Yasna Voices.
- September 9, 2013: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Kaleidoscope Youth Chorus of Brooklyn, newly forming in Ditmas Park.
- September 4, 2013: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Three Dollar Bill, a newly forming eight-voice vocal jazz ensemble in Manhattan.
- September 3, 2013: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Brookside Singers of Brookside Community Church, a church choir based in Brookside, NJ.
- August 28, 2013: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Britpop Choir, based on the Lower East Side.
- August 27, 2013: New Choir Directory listing for Christ Church Community Youth Choir, based in New Brighton (Staten Island). New Choir Directory listing for East End Women's Choir, based in Moriches, NY.
- August 26, 2013: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Voyces, a Staten Island-based early music ensemble.
- August 22, 2013: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for eVoco Voice Collective, a new chamber choir based in Nassau County.
- August 21, 2013: New Choir Directory listing for the Saint Clare Ecumenical Choral Society in Rosedale (Queens). New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Schola Cantorum of Holy Cross Catholic Church in Rumson, NJ.
- August 8, 2013: The compact menu that debuted on the Concert Calendar page a while back has now been incorporated into the Choir Directory pages, Choir Auditions, the Info Exchange, the Links Collection, the archive pages and new Feature articles.
- June 28, 2013: New Choir Directory listing for The New School Chorus, based in the West Village.
- June 9, 2013: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Every Voice Choirs, children's choirs based at Teachers College in Morningside Heights.
- April 30, 2013: We've pared the Choir Directory and Choir Auditions page of groups that seem no longer to be extant, based primarily on web links that are no longer active. If you find that your group has been erroneously deleted, please let us know and we'll be happy to restore the listings with updated information.
- March 1, 2013: Couple of tweaks to the VAN Concert Calendar. The Calendar now sports a new, compact menu that stays on the screen as you scroll the page. And we're trying out some sharing tools to allow you to easily send a listing to Twitter, e-mail or social media services. Hope these changes are helpful.
- February 25, 2013: New Choir Directory listing for the St. Paul's Choir School Children's Choir in Englewood, NJ.
- February 7, 2013: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Current, a semi-professional mixed a cappella group based in midtown Manhattan.
- February 5, 2013: New links for the Jewish A Cappella Festival, coming up February 15-17 in New York; Six13, male Jewish a cappella ensemble; and two sites under the new subcategory "Booking services," GigMasters and Gig Salad.
- February 1, 2013: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Sing for Hope Youth Chorus, a new youth choir for New York City high school students.
- December 29, 2012: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Twin County Chorus, a Long Island-based chapter of Sweet Adelines International.
- December 18, 2012: New link for MusikReisenFaszination, offering choir and orchestra tours.
- December 3, 2012: New links for New York Singing Teachers' Association and Everybody Can Sing, offering individual and group lessons with Elissa Weiss.
- November 23, 2012: The Drew University Community Chorus is now known as the Drew University Choral Union.
- October 31, 2012: We've done some cleanup of the Choir Directory based on checks for broken web links. As always, send corrections and updates to steve.friedman@van.org.
- October 30, 2012: The form for submitting new listings for the VAN Concert Calendar now sports a new date picker to make it easier to include the correct date in your concert listing.
- October 29, 2012: The form for submitting new listings for the VAN Concert Calendar has been updated.
- October 27, 2012: The two versions of the Choir Auditions page -- alpha sort and freshest first -- have been combined into a single page. The page loads with ads sorted freshest first; buttons allow for resorting alphabetically either A-to-Z or Z-to-A without having to reload the page, thanks to some nifty Javascript and jQuery code.
- October 15, 2012: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Our Lady of Mercy Choir, a volunteer group based in Forest Hills.
- October 12, 2012: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Bay Area Chorus, based in Bayport, NY.
- October 4, 2012: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Harmony on the Hudson, a women's a cappella chorus in Rockland County.
- September 30, 2012: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Kol Dodi, The Community Chorale of NJ Metro-West.
- September 27, 2012: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Rye Country Day School Festival Choir, a community choir based in Rye, NY. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Cantantes in Cordibus, a choir based at Holy Rosary Church in Jersey City, NJ.
- September 22, 2012: New Choir Directory listing for The Workshop, a Manhattan-based co-ed a cappella ensemble.
- August 31, 2012: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Drew University Community Chorus in Madison, NJ. New link for the Antalya International Choral Festival in Antalya, Turkey.
- August 23, 2012: New Choir Directory listing for the Shepherd Singers, the official choir of The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Kips Bay.
- August 13, 2012: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Ars Choralis, a choir based in Woodstock, NY.
- August 6, 2012: New Choir Directory listing for the Unity Spirit Choir of Unity Church of Christianity, based in Valley Stream, NY.
- July 28, 2012: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Saint Agnes Parish Choir on East 43rd Street. Also, the Schola Cantorum of Saint Agnes is now known as the Saint Agnes Schola Cantorum. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Connecticut Z'mirah Chorale, based in Hamden, CT.
- July 17, 2012: New link for ChoraLine, a site offering rehearsal CDs/MP3s and other resources for choral singers.
- June 30, 2012: Vocal Area Network now has a Twitter feed. See the "Follow" button on the home page.
- June 27, 2012: New link for SingersBabel, offering diction resources for singers.
- June 20, 2012: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Canticum Scholare, an all-male early music ensemble based in the West Village.
- June 13, 2012: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Hoff-Barthelson Music School's Adult Festival Chorus, based in Scarsdale, NY.
- June 3, 2012: New Choir Directory listing for Singing Songbirds, based in Millbrook, NY.
- April 15, 2012: New link for Just Sheet Music, a search engine featuring free and commercial sheet music. New link for Brown Paper Tickets.
- April 9, 2012: New Choir Directory listing for Sirens of Gotham, a women's a cappella group in Manhattan.
- March 21, 2012: New Choir Directory listing for The Palisades Presbyterian Church Church Choir in Palisades, NY.
- February 29, 2012: New link for SingStrong, a cappella festival in Reston, VA
- February 24, 2012: New link for The Arts Business, offering fundraising and management services for the performing arts.
- February 20, 2012: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Salt and Light Chorale, a new choir in Brooklyn.
- February 11, 2012: New VAN QuickLink and Links Collection entry for New Music Box choral blog, written by Jenny Clarke about current topics in the choral world.
- January 29, 2012: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Chameleonic, a volunteer/dues-based chorale that operates in collaboration with members of Choral Chameleon.
- October 29, 2011: New links for Artist Travel Consultants and Distinguished Concerts International, New York.
- October 4, 2011: New Choir Directory listing for The Princeton Garden Statesmen, a male barbershop chorus in Plainsboro, NJ.
- October 2, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the The Schola Cantorum of St. Michael's RC Church on West 34th Street.
- September 30, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Saint Athanasius Church Choir in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn.
- September 25, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Westfield Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir in Westfield, NJ.
- September 21, 2011: New link for TRYST, a vocal duo featuring Nora Ryan and Michelle O'Rourke "where tradition meets innovation in adventurous vocal music."
- September 12, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The SymphoNYChorus, a Manhattan-based choir and orchestra.
- September 7, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the West End Collegiate Choir, a professional and volunteer church choir directed by Cynthia Powell. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Musicocity, a Manhattan-based show choir. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The New Carillon Ensemble, a vocal and instrumental ensemble based in Chelsea.
- August 31, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Youth Pride Chorus, based in Manhattan.
- August 30, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Crescent Choral Society, an SATB choir in Central New Jersey.
- August 6, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Verona Cedar Grove Chorus, a community chorus in Verona, NJ.
- August 4, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Manhattan Girls Chorus.
- August 1, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Canticum Novum at Christ Church in New Brunswick, NJ.
- July 31, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Essential Voices USA, a Midtown-based ensemble directed by Judith Clurman.
- July 20, 2011: New link for the New Jersey Choral Consortium. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Capital Singers of Trenton and its affiliated group, The Trenton Community Singers.
- July 11, 2011: Updated Choir Directory listing for The Men's Glee Club of New York, formerly known as the New York Men's Choir.
- July 5, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Salvatones, a professional vocal ensemble based in Manhattan.
- May 27, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Equilibrium Voices, a new mixed a cappella ensemble in Dover, NJ.
- May 23, 2011: New link for ChoirPlace, an online center for choirs and vocal music fans. ew Choir Directory listing for the Twin Tier Chordsmen, a men's barbershop chorus in Painted Post, NY. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The New Chorale, a mid-sized SATB choir in Tuxedo Park, NY.
- May 19, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Middletown Concert Chorale, a community choir in Middletown, NY. New link for Noteflight, an online music notation site.
- May 10, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Brooklyn Chorus, a women's four-part a cappella small chorus in Dyker Heights / Bay Ridge. New Choir Directory listing for Supruli: NYC's Georgian Choir.
- March 27, 2011: New Choir Directory listing for Upper West Sound, a self-directed a cappella ensemble in Morningside Hieghts.
- March 20, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Schola of St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Parish, an all-professional church choir on the Upper East Side.
- March 14, 2011: We've enhanced the locale filtering checkboxes on the Choirs by Locale page.
- February 27, 2011: We've made some slight changes to the VAN Concert Calendar design. The "T" symbol for toggling the details of each concert has been replaced by "Show details" and "Hide details" in the interests of clarity. Also, links to the performing groups will now open in a new window.
- February 21, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for One More Round, a newly-forming mixed a cappella ensemble in South Orange, NJ. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Jersey Harmony Express, a new men's a cappella chorus based in Bridgewater, NJ.
- February 15, 2011: New link for Bel Canto Lyric Opera of Philadelphia, an operatic ensemble company in the PA/NJ area. New link for The Ultimate Resource for Singers, offering useful links for singers. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Kinnara Ensemble, a professional chamber choir in Princeton, NJ. New Choir Directory listing for the Caritas Chamber Chorale in Far Hills, NJ.
- February 5, 2011: New Choir Directory listing for the Twin Tier Chordsmen, a men's barbershop chorus in Painted Post, NY. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Somerset Hills Community Chorus, a new community chorus in Gladstone, NJ. New Choir Auditions ad for Willow, an interfaith women's choir in Manhasset, NY.
- January 29, 2011: New Choir Auditions ad for the Forest Hills Choir.
- January 23, 2011: New Choir Directory listing for the Queens-based Forest Hills Choir.
- January 8, 2011: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Choir of St. David the King Roman Catholic Church in Princeton Junction, NJ.
- December 15, 2010: New link for International Oratorio Choir, offering workshops in Italy.
- December 7, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Gotham Rock Choir.
- November 20, 2010: New Choir Auditions ad for The Putnam Chorale.
- November 15, 2010: New link for MRF Music Festivals of Choirs and Orchestras, organizer of nine international festivals in Europe.
- November 8, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Zephyr Vocal Ensemble, an a cappella ensemble based in Vernon (Sussex County), NJ.
- October 31, 2010: New link for Premium Blend, a co-ed a cappella group at SUNY Fredonia.
- October 26, 2010: New link for SmartTix, "the new alternative in advance sales ticketing." Holy Trinity Bach Choir is now listed as Bach Choir of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. The design of the About VAN page has been refreshed.
- October 25, 2010: We've updated the format of the Article Archive and of our Feature articles.
- September 30, 2010: Pricing for VAN Ads Banner Ads is now based on time rather than impressions to make your ad placement planning easier. Standard price is now $35 for a three-week placement; additional three-week placements of the same ad cost $25. See more details on the VAN Ads program at our Advertising page.
- September 25, 2010: New Choir Auditions ad for The Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New Jersey Associaton of Veriso Opera (NJAVO) Chorus.
- September 17, 2010: The Links Collection sports a new look and has been culled of outdated links.
- September 14, 2010: We've fixed a problem with daylight saving time calculations in the code used to generate the "Download-This-Event" files in the Concert Calendar. All downloaded vcs files will now show the correct times when added to your calendar. New link for Lilli Wosk Music. Ms. Wosk is a vocal coach for musical theatre.
- September 13, 2010: New Choir Auditions ad for the Metropolitan Singers/The Greek Choral Society.
- September 12, 2010: New Choir Directory listing for the Metropolitan Singers/The Greek Choral Society.
- September 9, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Riverdale Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir.
- September 5, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Astoria Symphonic Choir. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Grace Episcopal Church Choir in Rutherford, NJ.
- September 1, 2010: The Concert Calendar and Concert Calendar Index pages have been combined into one page and redesigned. The new Concert Calendar now loads the abbreviated version. Click "Show details for all concerts" and you'll get the full version. You can also toggle the details on any individual listing. For now, links to the old Concert Calendar Index will take you to the new Concert Calendar page, but will eventually be removed.
- August 31, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Turtle Bay Music School Community Chorus. New Choir Directory listing for the Jefferson Township Community Chorus in Oak Ridge, NJ.
- August 30, 2010: New Choir Directory listing for the Cantabile Youth Singers and Players, a children's choir based in Bound Brook, NJ.
- August 27, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the First Reformed Church Adult Choir in New Brunswick, NJ.
- August 26, 2010: We've tweaked the design of the VAN home page to make it a bit more tidy, attractive and usable.
- August 24, 2010: New URL and new Choir Auditions ad for the Camerata Chorale in Poughkeepsie. New Choir Auditions ad for The Chancel Choir of the Reformed Church of Bronxville.
- August 18, 2010: New link for Choral Music Download Directory at zZounds.
- August 17, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Hudson Chorale, formed by the merger of the Westchester Concert Singers and the Choral Arts Society.
- August 16, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the St. Paul's Choir, a semi-pro church choir in Englewood, NJ, directed by Mark Trautman. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Pro Voce, a professional chamber choir in Boonton, NJ.
- August 10, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Ghostlight Chorus, a new chamber choir on the Upper West Side.
- August 6, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Schola Cantorum at St. Agnes Roman Catholic Church on East 43rd Street.
- August 4, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the St. John's Choristers, a children's choir based at St. John's in the Village.
- July 28, 2010: Several new Choir Directory listings and new ads on the Choir Auditions page for groups run by the Continuo Arts Foundation serving central New Jersey, along with a new listing in the Links Collection.
- July 21, 2010: New link for Betterfly.com Vocal/Singing page, a resource to connect with vocal coaches.
- July 14, 2010: New link for MusiciansWay.com, a site offering extensive free resources that help musicians succeed.
- July 13, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for A+ Jubliee Youth Chorale, based in Chinatown.
- June 26, 2010: The Westport Madrigal Singers are now known as the Southern Connecticut Camerata.
- June 17, 2010: New Choir Directory entries: a listing for The Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys and a listing for The Cathedral Girls' Choir, both based at The Cathedral of the Incarnation in Garden City, NY.
- May 14, 2010: New Choir Auditions ad for Khorikos.
- May 5, 2010: New Choir Directory listing for Makhelat Hamercaz, a Jewish community choir in Highland Park, NJ.
- April 25, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Pelham Larks, a women's ensemble in Pelham, NY.
- April 11, 2010: New link for ThatNewMusicLibary.com, a database of unpublished choral scores, hand-picked by Harold Rosenbaum and viewable in their entirety. New Choir Directory listing for Singers of Long Island (SOLI), a Sayville-based chamber ensemble.
- March 16, 2010: New Choir Directory listing for The Schola Cantorum at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Morristown, NJ.
- March 14, 2010: New Choir Auditions ad for Accord, a Manhattan-based treble vocal ensemble.
- February 21, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Fort Washington Collegiate Church Choir in Washington Heights.
- February 14, 2010: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Schola Cantorum of Our Lady of Grace Roman Catholic Church, a new choir in the Bronx.
- January 30, 2010: New link for RM Music, a small music publisher serving the community of choral directors and choral singers.
- January 15, 2010: Our Archive pages (for old VAN news and old "New on VAN items") have been redesigned.
- January 15, 2010: New URL for The Brooklyn Community Chorus.
- January 12, 2010: We've tweaked the "Upcoming Highlights" column on the home page to provide more useful--and tempting--information. The "VAN Sampler" now includes upcoming concerts, the freshest choir audition ads and the latest postings from the Info Exchange.
- January 7, 2010: New Choir Auditions ad for the The Greater New Haven Community Chorus.
- December 28, 2009: New Choir Auditions ad for the Taghkanic Chorale.
- December 16, 2009: New link for Athena Tix, a new open-source ticketing application being developed by Fractured Atlas for the national performing arts community.
- December 15, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the World of Harmony, a small choir based in Brooklyn dedicated to the performance of Caribbean, African and African-American music.
- November 28, 2009: The Choirs by Night and Choirs by Locale pages have a new look.
- November 21, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Evergreen Chorus, a Poughkeepsie-based chapter of Sweet Adelines International.
- November 11, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Chorus.
- November 4, 2009: New Choir Directory listing for ActorCor, a 40-voice SATB choir of New York City actors and others.
- October 19, 2009: New Choir Directory listing for the Chrysalis Consort, a chamber choir based in Dobbs Ferry, NY.
- October 14, 2009: New Choir Directory listing for Accord, a self-directed treble voice chamber choir in Midtown. New Choir Directory listings for ensembles based at the Wharton Music Center in Berkeley Heights, NJ: The Wharton Children's Chorus, The Wharton Singers and The Wharton Civic Chorale.
- September 24, 2009: New link for HandyTix, provider of online box office ticketing systems for performing arts organizations. New link for Festivals of choirs and orchestras in Italy, Poland, Czech Republic and Germany. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Church of the Blessed Sacrament Choir on the Upper West Side.
- September 14, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Chancel Singers of First Presbyterian Church in Ramsey, NJ.
- September 10, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Lower East Side Community Choir.
- September 1, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Choir of St. John's Episcopal Church in Bridgeport, CT. New URL for CantaLyrica.
- August 30, 2009: New URL for Borough of Manhattan Community College Downtown Chorus.
- August 12, 2009: New link for Singer Source, a resource for singers in the Washington, DC area.
- July 29, 2009: New URLs for Circle of Hope and One.
- July 24, 2009: The summer is speeding by, so our flat-rate price for running a VAN Ads banner ad through Labor Day is now just $60. For details, visit our advertising page.
- July 15, 2009: New link for the International festival of choirs and orchestras in Baden (Germany).
- July 12, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Circle of Hope, a children's choir based in Saugerties, NY. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for One, a choir of young adults, also in Saugerties, NY.
- July 10, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Cathedral Choir at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine. New link for Singer Help, dedicated to assisting the young vocalist in investigating and pursuing a potential career in singing.
- June 25, 2009: New link for the Winter Harbor Music Festival for singers and instrumentalists, in Maine in August.
- June 16, 2009: The Rye Town Federico Singers are now known as The Village Singers of Westchester.
- June 11, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Con Brio, an auditioned classical chorus in the Essex area of Connecticut. New Choir Directory listing for the Children's Chorus of Bay Ridge.
- June 1, 2009: New link for Atlantic Harmony Brigade, a gathering of barbershop quartet singers in Wilmington, DE in August.
- May 31, 2009: Promote your group's summer and fall auditions. Take advantage of the VAN Ads banner advertising summer special: run a banner ad from now until Labor Day for the flat rate of $100. Details on the Advertising page.
- May 25, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Church of the Village Chancel Choir.
- May 19, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Madrigalia Via, a Manhattan-based chamber ensemble directed by David Recca. New Choir Directory listing for All Saints Schola Cantorum, based in Corning, NY.
- May 12, 2009: New web site for the Queens College Choral Society.
- May 9, 2009: New link for the International festival of choirs and orchestras in Prague (Czech Republic), 4 - 6 December 2009.
- March 10, 2009: New link for FlexiMusic Audio Editor, developers of audio editing, recording and composing software for professional and home music makers.
- March 8, 2009: The Choral Workshop is now known as The Clurman Singers.
- March 4, 2009: New link for The Modern Vocalist, a new social network specifically designed for vocalists, voice instructors, scientists, voice health practitioners, and audio production and engineering professionals.
- February 15, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Carrollton Chorale, a 21-voice a cappella choral ensemble in Elizabeth, NJ.
- February 4, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Renaissance Vocal Ensemble, a chamber choir based in Peekskill, NY.
- January 12, 2009: New link for The Renaissance Chorus Association, collecting, cataloguing and circulating the music of the Renaissance period and of Harold Brown.
- January 7, 2009: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Long Island Choral Society: Young Voices, a new children's choir forming in Rockville Centre, NY.
- December 31, 2008: New Choir Directory listing for CONCORA (Connecticut Choral Artists, Inc.), a professional choir in New Britain, CT.
- December 28, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Park United Methodist Church Chancel Choir in Bloomfield, NJ.
- December 24, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Lower Hudson Valley Youth Chorus. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Harmony Singers in Wayne, NJ
- December 15, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Opus 118 Harlem Youth Chorus.
- December 10, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for All Saints' (Episcopal) Church Choir in Princeton, NJ.
- November 27, 2008: New Choir Directory listing for The Ten, a Manhattan-based semi-pro all-male a cappella group.
- November 17, 2008: New link for the International festival of choirs and orchestras in Tuscany (Italy) in July-August 2009.
- November 12, 2008: New Choir Directory listing for Choral Chameleon, a professional chamber choir on the Upper East Side.
- November 9, 2008: New Choir Directory listing for Christ Church Choir (Somers Point) in Somers Point, NJ.
- October 25, 2008: New Choir Directory listing for The Chancel Choir of the Reformed Church of Bronxville.
- October 19, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Sorensen Singers, a new community choir forming on the Upper East Side.
- October 6, 2008: New Choir Directory listing for the Church of the Immaculate Conception Chancel Choir in Montclair, NJ.
- September 13, 2008: New link for Muzikjakit Productions, providing recording services for the tri-state area's choral organizations.
- September 9, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Bountiful Blessings Gospel Singers, a new gospel ensemble in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.
- September 8, 2008: The design of the Choir Directory has been updated to match that of the Info Exchange and the Choir Auditions pages.
- September 8, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Voices of New York, a community chorus based on the Upper East Side.
- August 31, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Camerata d'Amici, based in Westchester and Fairfield Counties.
- August 29, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Choral Workshop, a new ensemble based at The Kaufman Center, directed by Judith Clurman.
- August 27, 2008: We've fixed a code problem, so that the Choir Auditions page (alpha sort) is now alphabetized correctly.
- August 15, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Gotham Scholars, a new Upper West Side chamber choir directed by Mark Kaczmarczyk. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Shirei Chesed, a community chorus at Ansche Chesed Synagogue on the Upper West Side. New URL for The Gay Men's Chorus of Manhattan.
- August 10, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Waldorf Choral Society, based in Garden City, NY.
- August 9, 2008: New URL for the Mineola Choral Society.
- August 5, 2008: New link for Chant Village, a new website and online community for those who love chant.
- July 28, 2008: New URL and new Choir Auditions ad for the Florilegium Chamber Choir.
- July 14, 2008: New links for the Cork International Choral Festival, the International festival of choirs and orchestras on Lake Garda, Italy, the International festival of choirs and orchestras in Cracow, Poland, the International festival of choirs and orchestras in Venice and the International Festival of Choirs in Lima, Peru.
- July 13, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Hitchcock Presbyterian Church Choir in Scarsdale, NY.
- July 4, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the newly-formed Long Island Gay Men's Chorus.
- June 30, 2008: We've started listing events for the 2008-2009 season (beginning in September) on the Concert Calendar.
- June 24, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Hudson Valley Chorale, an SATB choir based in West Nyack, NY.
- June 22, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Mark Twain Concert Choir, based at Mark Twain Intermediate School in Coney Island.
- June 18, 2008: We've fixed a problem with our Lists page. If you've tried recently to sign up for our VANupdate newsletter and were unsucessful, please give the signup process another try.
- June 15, 2008: New Choir Auditions ad for the New Century Singers.
- June 4, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Beauty Shop Quartet, a Brooklyn-based female quartet singing classic harmonies from the 20s, 30s and 40s.
- May 31, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Voices of Gotham, a new male barbershop chorus.
- May 27, 2008: New Choir Directory listing for the Choir of St. Ignatius Loyola, a professional ensemble directed by Kent Tritle. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Saint Cecilia Choral Society, a newly-forming group in East Elmhurst. New link for Singer Network, a new site created by Chorus America. New link for composer Gerald Cohen.
- May 7, 2008: New Choir Directory listing for The Brick Presbyterian Church Professional Choir on the Upper East Side.
- April 30, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Pitchpipers, a four-part women's group in Trumbull, CT.
- April 14, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Jubilee Chorus, now forming in Manhattan.
- March 29, 2008: New Choir Directory listing for the First Presbyterian Church Choir in Rockaway, NJ.
- March 24, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Bank Street Community Chorus, a small group based on the Upper West Side.
- February 22, 2008: New link for Choral Music Magazine, "the premiere eZine for quality articles and reviews about the choral community". The Choir Auditions pages now sport the new page design we rolled out for the Info Exchange a few months ago.
- February 21, 2008: New Choir Directory listing for Christ Episcopal Church Choir in Bloomfield/Glen Ridge, NJ.
- February 17, 2008: New URL for The New Yiddish Chorale.
- February 10, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Westfair Singers, a women's ensemble in Greenwich, CT.
- January 12, 2008: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Mystic River Chorale, an auditioned community choir in Mystic, CT. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Jersey Harmony Chorus, the Princeton-area chapter of Sweet Adelines.
- January 6, 2008: The New York City Ambassador Chorus is now known as The Gay Men's Chorus of Manhattan.
- December 16, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Immanuel Church Choir, now directed by Gwendolyn Toth.
- December 9, 2007: New URL for Music Divine.
- December 5, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Cornell Alumni Singers.
- December 3, 2007: New link for Half Cadence, a New York web design firm focusing on musicians and artists. By the way, we've restored our Links Collection file which seemed to have been accidentally overwritten.
- November 20, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Soundettes, a women's a cappella ensemble based in Westchester County.
- November 13, 2007: Visit the redesigned Info Exchange, featuring a new layout, new menu and easier-to-read type--elements you'll be seeing on more of the site's pages very soon. And all the Info Exchange ads are now on one page. Comments welcome.
- November 8, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Ridgefield Chorale in Ridgefield, CT.
- October 16, 2007: We've changed the code we use to serve our banner ads in order to resolve an issue with non-functioning click-throughs for what we hope were a very small subset of our visitors.
- October 15, 2007: Updated link for Chorworks Early Music Choral Workshops.
- September 24, 2007: New Choir Auditions ad for the Long Island Masterworks Chorus. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Saint Patrick's Old Cathedral Church Choir.
- September 19, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the American Radio Choir, a professional choir based in Manhattan.
- September 12, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Holy Cross Church Choir, a semi-pro choir in the Times Square area. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Collegiate Singers, a community choir on the Upper West Side.
- September 10, 2007: New Choir Auditions ad for the Huntington Choral Society.
- September 3, 2007: New URL for Ciela, a women's vocal ensemble now based in West Nyack, NY.
- September 1, 2007: We've removed listings for Shiru Shir: The Jewish Community Choir of Flatbush, as it has been merged into Shir Chadash: The Brooklyn Jewish Community Chorus.
- August 29, 2007: The Brooklyn Jewish Community Chorus is now known as Shir Chadash: The Brooklyn Jewish Community Chorus. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Ulster Choral Society, based in Kingston, NY.
- August 20, 2007: We've done one of our periodic cleanups of links in the Links Collection and on other pages on the site. New link for Gothamist. New link for HaBayit, the resource center for Jewish a cappella. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Brooklyn Contemporary Chorus. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The New York City Ambassador Chorus, a men's vocal ensemble on the Upper East Side. New Choir Auditions ad for the Friday Night Group.
- August 14, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Blue Notes, a women's singing group in Darien, CT. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Brooklyn Repertory Opera Chorus, based in Park Slope.
- August 10, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Harmony on the Sound, a Sweet Adelines group based in Trumbull, CT. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Morris Music Men, a men's barbershop chorus based in Morris County, NJ.
- August 9, 2007: The calendar listings on the home page now have a cleaner, more readable look. And, as on the Concert Calendar pages, summer sings and open sings are indicated with green dates.
- August 7, 2007: Listings for the Church of Saint Ignatius of Antioch (Episcopal) Choir can now be found under Choir of Saint Ignatius of Antioch.
- August 3, 2007: New URL for the The Celebration Singers.
- July 27, 2007: The Gay Gotham Chorus has changed its name to the Empire City Men's Chorus.
- July 22, 2007: New Choir Directory listing for the Friday Night Group, a sightreading group based on the Upper West Side.
- July 16, 2007: New link for composer Lior Navok.
- July 7, 2007: We've started posting performances in the Concert Calendar for the 2007-08 season. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Women's Chorus of New York, a new group directed by Casey J. Hayes. New link for FaSoLa.org, site of The Sacred Harp Musical Heritage Association.
- July 1, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Choir of Christ & St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church.
- June 19, 2007: New Choir Directory listing for The Ridgewood Choral, a women's choir in Ridgewood, NJ. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New York City Children's Choir, a newly-forming group with choirs on the Upper West Side and in Riverdale. We've removed listings for the similarly-named but apparently dormant New York Children's Chorus.
- June 4, 2007: The Ramapo Valley Spotlight Chorus is now the Harmony Celebration Chorus.
- May 31, 2007: New link for Gotham Early Music Scene, a new organization dedicated to the promotion and advancement of early music in New York City.
- May 28, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Richmond Choral Society Youth Chorus.
- May 22, 2007: Listings in the Concert Calendar for summer sings / open sings / choral read-throughs are now easier to spot: their dates are green.
- May 12, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Musica Plenti, a vocal ensemble based in Stamford, CT. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Manhattan-based New Horizons Vocal Jazz Ensemble. Grace Choral Society of Brooklyn and Spiritus & Anima is now known as Grace & Spiritus Chorale of Brooklyn.
- May 6, 2007: New URL for the City Bar Chorus.
- April 27, 2007: New URL for Vocal Heights.
- April 17, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Canopus Singers, a Manhattan-based chamber choir focused on choral music from Spain and Latin America.
- April 10, 2007: New Choir Directory listings and Choir Auditions ad for three choirs at St. Peter's Church in Morristown, NJ. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Beyond Blessed, a professional vocal ensemble based in Manhattan.
- April 5, 2007: The New York Theatrical Community Chorus has disbanded.
- March 25, 2007: New URL for Gateway Classical Music Society.
- March 18, 2007: New Choir Auditions ad for The Parkchester Chorus. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Liberty Oak Chorus, a chapter of Sweet Adelines International based in Freehold, NJ.
- March 14, 2007: New Choir Directory listing for The Parkchester Chorus.
- March 12, 2007: We've removed listings for the Oxford University Press Choir as the group is no longer active.
- February 27, 2007: New Choir Directory listing for Khorikos, a chamber choir based in Soho.
- February 26, 2007: New link for Music Dynamics, offering ChoraLine rehearsal aids and other resources for singers.
- February 22, 2007: New Choir Directory listing for Our Lady of Peace Choir in New Providence, NJ.
- February 19, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Rockland County Choral Society.
- February 18, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the The Stop Shopping Gospel Choir.
- February 6, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Choir of Christ Church – Garden City.
- January 28, 2007: New URL for the Rahway Valley Jerseyaires.
- January 16, 2007: New link for Opera Karaoke, "the virtual coach for classical singers".
- January 14, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New York Theatrical Community Chorus.
- January 11, 2007: New Choir Auditions ad for The Ridgewood Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company.
- January 5, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Westport Madrigal Singers.
- January 1, 2007: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Cappella Festiva Treble Choir in Poughkeepsie, NY.
- December 31, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Our Lady of Grace Adult Choir. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Our Lady of Grace Children's Choir. Both are based in West Babylon, NY.
- December 22, 2006: The New City, NY women's ensemble formerly known as Calliope is now known as Ciella.
- December 10, 2006: New link for Dites-le en chansons, a Canadian French vocal group based in Gatineau (near Ottawa).
- November 22, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Scarborough Presbyterian Church Choir in Westchester.
- November 16, 2006: New URL for Sister Cities Chorus in Stratford, CT.
- November 15, 2006: New URL for Shirah, Community Chorus on the Palisades. New link for SeatAdvisor,providers of box office management software for performing arts organizations. New link for Virtual Sheet Music, a site for classical sheet music downloads. New link for Muzikjakit Productions, offering professional recording of choral and instrumental concerts by Larry Russell.
- November 12, 2006: Updated URL for The Lance Hayward Singers.
- November 11, 2006: New URLs for the Rhinebeck Choral Club and for Angelica.
- October 31, 2006: New link for 21st Century Chorister, a source of information on all things choral. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Brooklyn Conservatory Chorale, a new choir directed by Nelly Vuksic.
- October 24, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Mel-O-Chords, a Broadway and contemporary singing group in Montclair, NJ.
- October 18, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Song Pipers, a women's ensemble in Bronxville, NY.
- September 30, 2006: New Choir Directory listing for Sangita, the professional choir and instrumental ensemble of the Foundation for Universal Sacred Music. The digital sheet music outfit Sunhawk has now become FreehandMusic.com. New link for V. Choir Festival in Hungary 2007, to be held in October 2007. New URL for The Juilliard Choral Union.
- September 23, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Choral Symphony Society, under the direction of David Labovitz. New link for Classical Domain, New York City's online guide to classical music.
- September 20, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Pink Sabbath, New York's newest contemporary gay male a cappella group.
- September 18, 2006: New link for NYC A Cappella, featuring arrangements by Randi Stanley.
- September 16, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Gateway Classical Music Society.
- September 14, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Rhinebeck Choral Club
- September 13, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Chelsea Song. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Calliope, a new women's ensemble based in New City, NY. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Symphony Singers, a program of the New York Youth Symphony.
- September 12, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Popayan, a new Latin American choir based in Tarrytown, NY.
- September 7, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Morris Conservatory Symphonic Chorus. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Morris Conservatory Youth Division Choruses. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Holy Rosary Latin Mass Choir in Jersey City.
- September 5, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Chorus of Communities in Belleville, NJ.
- September 4, 2006: New Choir Auditions ad for the Maplewood Glee Club.
- August 27, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New Haven Oratorio Choir.
- August 24, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Borough of Manhattan Community College Downtown Chorus.
- August 20, 2006: New Choir Auditions ad for The Rye Town Federico Singers. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Brearley Singers.
- August 15, 2006: New link for MusicWare Designs, distinctive music gifts and music-themed apparel for women, men and children.
- August 13, 2006: We've removed listings for the South Mountain Chorale. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Connecticut Gay Men's Chorus.
- August 4, 2006: We've removed listings for Aural Antics, SHE, Treble Voices of Queens and the Schola Cantorum of Union Theological Seminary. New URL for Greater Nassau Chorus.
- July 31, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Grace Episcopal Church Adult Choir in Pemberton, NJ. New Choir Auditions ad for the Canterbury Choral Society.
- July 18, 2006: We've started posting listings for the 2006-07 season in the Concert Calendar. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Kingsborough Musical Society Chorus, based in Brooklyn. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for ChildrenSong of New Jersey.
- July 17, 2006: We've added a link to our Concert Calendar new listing form under "Communicate" on the home page
- July 5, 2006: New URL for the Brooklyn College Chorale.
- June 29, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Loose Interpretations East, a 10-member female a cappella group based in Manhattan.
- June 25, 2006: New Choir Auditions ad for The Hibernian Festival Singers, based in Bay Shore, NY.
- June 19, 2006: New Choir Directory listing for The New York Men's Choir, specializing in Japanese choral music. New Choir Directory listing and new Choir Auditions ad for the St. John's in the Village Episcopal Parish Choir.
- May 31, 2006: New URL for The Peace of Heart Choir.
- May 30, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the University Singers, based at the University of Bridgeport.
- May 28, 2006: New Choir Auditions ad for Shirah, Community Chorus on the Palisades.
- May 23, 2006: New URL for the St. George's Choral Society.
- May 16, 2006: New link for Rehearsal Arts, makers of SingleParts choral music learning CDs.
- April 26, 2006: New URL for the Jewish People's Philharmonic Chorus.
- April 24, 2006: New Choir Auditions ad for The Choral Society of the Hamptons.
- April 20, 2006: We've removed listings for the Singers Forum Chorus. New URL for the Dalton Chorale
- April 15, 2006: New link for the University of Massachusetts Dynamics.
- April 9, 2006: New URL for Kol Rinah.
- March 28, 2006: New Choir Directory listing for The Choral Society of the Hamptons.
- March 21, 2006: New URL for Coro Lirico.
- March 7, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church Choir.
- February 19, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Rahway Valley Jerseyaires.
- February 15, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for C4: The World's First Choral Composer/Conductor Collective. New Choir Directory listing for the Bayport United Methodist Church Adult Choir.
- February 8, 2006: New Choir Directory listing for Grace Church Choir in White Plains, NY.
- February 6, 2006: We've removed listings for the B'nai Jeshurun Choir, now disbanded.
- February 2, 2006: New link for Great Scores, where you can browse and choose, buy and download sheet music that has been specifically arranged to suit musicians of all levels.
- January 31, 2006: New link for the New York Summer Music Festival at SUNY Oneonta for students ages 10-25.
- January 28, 2006: New URL for Holy Apostles Community Chorus.
- January 26, 2006: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Pace University Downtown Chorale.
- January 18, 2006: New URL for the Jackson Civic Chorus.
- January 17, 2006: We've removed listings for the Westchester Broadway Singers, now defunct.
- January 15, 2006: New link for EnsembleTune, software to help you find the best tunes for the vocal ranges in your ensemble.
- January 14, 2006: New Choir Directory listing for the New Jersey-based Ridgewood Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company.
- January 10, 2006: New URL for the Westchester Chorale.
- January 8, 2006: New URL for Cappella Festiva Chamber Choir.
- January 7, 2006: New URL for Opus Ensemble New York.
- December 29, 2005: Updated URL for The Tuscany Project: Voice and Song, a summer opportunity to sing in Italy.
- December 23, 2005: New link for Harold Rosenbaum's choir tours to Europe.
- December 11, 2005: New URL for Olympia's Daughters. New Choir Auditions ad for The Village Light Opera Group. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Spirit of Orthodoxy Choir, based in New Jersey.
- December 6, 2005: New link for BBC Music Magazine, "the world's best-selling classical music magazine".
- December 5, 2005: New URL for Cantigas Women's Choir.
- November 27, 2005: We've updated our listings for the choirs (Trinity Choir, Trinity Church Family Choir and Trinity Choristers) at Trinity Church, Wall Street.
- November 17, 2005: New link for Umbrian Serenades, choral and cultural tastings in the green heart of Italy--Spoleto.
- November 14, 2005: New Choir Directory listing for the Choir of the Church of the Holy Family--The United Nations Parish.
- November 9, 2005: New Choir Directory listing for the Manhattan College Singers
- November 2, 2005: New Choir Auditions ad for the Glen Ridge Choral Society in Glen Ridge, NJ.
- October 24, 2005: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Schola Cantorum of Union Theological Seminary.
- October 15, 2005: We've deleted listings for The Boys' Choir of Westchester, now defunct. Looking for carolers for your holiday event? Try our new link for Definitely Dickens, offering quartets of carolers in Dickensian garb.
- October 9, 2005: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Music Divine, an early music chamber choir on the Upper West Side.
- September 28, 2005: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New York City Master Chorale, a new group starting up in January 2006.
- September 26, 2005: New Choir Directory listing for the Maplewood Glee Club, a men's community chorus based in Maplewood, NJ.
- September 17, 2005: Grace Choral Society of Brooklyn is joining forces this year with Spiritus et Anima, the community chorus based at Saint Ann's School in Brooklyn Heights. Both groups have been directed by James Busby. The combined group is now listed as "Grace Choral Society of Brooklyn and Spiritus et Anima."
- September 15, 2005: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the No-Name-Yet A Cappella Jazz Ensemble, a Westchester-based small ensemble.
- September 13, 2005: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Yorkville Chorale on the Upper East Side. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Croton Chorale in Croton-on-Hudson, NY.
- September 11, 2005: New Choir Auditions ad for the Garden State Philharmonic Chorus.
- September 6, 2005: New Choir Directory listing for the Church of Saint Ignatius of Antioch (Episcopal) Choir, a professional church choir on the Upper West Side.
- September 4, 2005: New Choir Directory listing for the University Glee Club of New Haven.
- September 3, 2005: New Choir Auditions ad for the Cappella Festiva Chamber Choir, based in Poughkeepsie. New Choir Auditions ad for the Masterwork Chorus, based in Morristown, NJ.
- September 1, 2005: We've done one of our periodic clean-ups of the Links Collection, fixing broken links wherever possible and eliminating links to sites that are no longer viable.
- August 31, 2005: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Presbyterian Church in Westfield Chancel Choir. We've removed listings for the Choral Society of St. Jean's, which is now inactive. New URL for the Columbia University Collegium Musicum.
- August 30, 2005: New Choir Directory listings for St. Luke's Episcopal Chancel Choir (listing) and St. Luke's Episcopal Children's Choir (listing), both based in Somers, NY. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for St. Joseph's Parish Choir on the Upper East Side.
- August 29, 2005: We've added a new version of the Choir Directory, sorted by geography, called Choirs by Locale.
- August 15, 2005: New Choir Auditions ad for the New York City Gay Men's Chorus. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Hunter College Choir.
- August 9, 2005: New Choir Auditions ad for the First Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir in Englewood, NJ. New URL for Publick Musick.
- August 8, 2005: New Choir Directory listing for Publick Musick, a professional chamber choir in Rochester, NY.
- August 3, 2005: We've started posting events for the 2005-06 season. See the Concert Calendar for details.
- July 31, 2005: New link for the Florence International Music Campus, featuring summer (and other) programs in Florence, Italy.
- July 22, 2005: New URL and Choir Auditions ad for the Rutgers Collegium Musicum
- July 17, 2005: New Choir Directory listing for the Rutgers Collegium Musicum, an early music ensemble based in New Brunswick, NJ.
- July 13, 2005: New link for Manhattan Sacred Harp Singing, all about Sacred Harp singing in New York City.
- June 30, 2005: We’ve added Richard Sheil's A Singer’s Manual of Foreign Language Dictions to our book picks in the VAN Store.
- June 17, 2005: New Choir Directory listing for the New Jersey Youth Chorus.
- June 14, 2005: Updated listings for Cappella to reflect a correction in the spelling of the group's name.
- May 31, 2005: New link for the Adirondack Festival of American Music: Festival Choir, June-July in Saranac Lake, NY.
- May 22, 2005: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Capella, a new Upper East Side group directed by David Enlow. Updated URL for the Bloomfield Chorale.
- May 10, 2005: Revised URL for Westchester Broadway Singers.
- May 5, 2005: New Choir Auditions ad for Ten and Change.
- May 3, 2005: New URL for Westchester Broadway Singers.
- April 30, 2005: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Westchester Broadway Singers.
- April 24, 2005: New link for Summer camps and programs at colleges in New York State for kids 8-18+.
- April 19, 2005: New URL for ZAZ, a contemporary vocal quartet based in New York. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Rainbow Peace Choir, based in West Orange, NJ.
- April 18, 2005: New Choir Directory listing for the Warwick Valley Chorale.
- April 10, 2005: New link for Cantus Decorus Singers, a vocal ensemble based in Hungary.
- March 26, 2005: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Sänger-Chor Newark, a German-American men's chorus in the Newark, NJ area.
- March 20, 2005: New URL for Cadence.
- March 15, 2005: New link for Musicastampata.com,with over 400,000 titles of classical sheet music and books on music; fastest source for Ricordi and Italian publishers.
- March 14, 2005: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Uptown Sound, a small a cappella jazz ensemble on the Upper West Side.
- March 12, 2005: New link for the Tallis Choral Pilgrmage, a workshop directed by Philip Cave, running in July in and around Washington, DC.
- March 7, 2005: New link for Petits Chanteurs de St.-Charles (The Young Singers of St. Charles), a children's choir based in Versailles, France. New link for the Bach Cantatas Website, a comprehensive site covering all aspects of J.S. Bach's cantatas and his other vocal works.
- March 2, 2005: New Choir Directory listing for Lower East Side Shape Note Sing. New URL for the Bel Canto Chorale.
- February 16, 2005: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the The Greater South Jersey Chorus, based in Cherry Hill, NJ.
- February 10, 2005: New Choir Directory listing for Seraphim, a professional chamber choir in lower Manhattan. We've removed our Choir Directory listing for The Choral Scholars, a Princeton-based ensemble that disbanded in spring 2004.
- February 6, 2005: New Choir Directory listing for Cadence, an a cappella ensemble in Bernardsville, NJ.
- January 20, 2005: New Choir Auditions ad for the Master Singers of Westchester.
- January 11, 2005: Melodia Women’s Choir of NYC has a new URL.
- December 28, 2004: New link for Paraclete Press.
- December 23, 2004: New link for Yale's Society of Orpheus and Bacchus.
- December 15, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Stony Brook Chorale. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Stony Brook Camerata Singers.
- December 2, 2004: Updated URL for Florilegium Chamber Choir. And we've corrected the URL for the Gay Gotham Chorus.
- November 28, 2004: New URL for the Great Neck Choral Society.
- November 12, 2004: New Choir Directory listing for the Connecticut Chamber Choir, based in Trumbull, CT.
- November 3, 2004: New URL for the South Mountain Chorale.
- October 25, 2004: New link for ZefiroWorld Tours, an Italian choir concert tour operator specializing in custom concert tours.
- October 23, 2004: New Choir Directory listing for The Hibernian Festival Singers, based in Bay Shore, NY. New Choir Auditions ad for The Westchester Chordsmen.
- October 20, 2004: New Choir Directory listing for The Chorale at Georgian Court University, based in Lakewood, NJ.
- October 11, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for IllumiNation Chorale, a Manhattan-based SATB gospel music group.
- October 8, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Sister Cities Chorus, based in Stratford, CT. New links for Manhattan Concert Productions and Fine Arts Funding (thanks, Sean Berg).
- October 6, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Sirene, a new women's vocal ensemble in Wyckoff, NJ.
- October 1, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The David Johnson Singers, a Dix Hills-based chamber choir. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The St. Joseph's Singers, a new choral chamber ensemble on the Upper East Side. New link for Opera Company of Astoria. New URL for The Cantata Singers.
- September 27, 2004: New URL for Collegium Westchester. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Brooklyn Jewish Community Chorus. New Choir Directory listing for the New York Metro Mass Choir. New link for The Blend, a co-ed a cappella group at Wheaton College in Norton, MA.
- September 20, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Manhattanville College Chorus, based in Purchase, NY. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Metropolitan Greek Chorale.
- September 18, 2004: We've removed listings for the now-disbanded women's chorus Gioia.
- September 5, 2004: New URL for The Lance Hayward Singers. New Choir Directory listing for Ten and Change, a Manhattan-based male a cappella ensemble. The Brooklyn College Chorale will be rehearsing on Monday nights this season.
- August 31, 2004: The VAN Report, summer 2004 edition, is now available for your perusal. The summer 2003 edition now moves to the archives. New link for Musical-Arts, offering resources for organists and choirmasters. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Smithtown United Methodist Church Choir.
- August 27, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Oceanside Chorale. New URL for Coro Lirico.
- August 25, 2004: We've created a separate Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Young People's Chorus of New York City Chamber Singers.
- August 24, 2004: New URL for the Greenwich Choral Society.
- August 22, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Waterfront Consort, an eight-member vocal ensemble based in Hoboken, NJ.
- August 19, 2004: New Choir Auditions ad for The Choral Art Society of New Jersey.
- August 18, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Sound Shore Chorale, based in New Rochelle. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Boonton United Methodist Church Choir in Boonton, NJ. Jubal's Lyre is on hiatus, assembling periodically for special projects.
- August 17, 2004: For audition season, we've produced a special version of the Choir Auditions page sorted with the freshest ads at the top. This page supplements the existing alphabetically-sorted Choir Auditions page.
- August 16, 2004: New link for the New York Early Music Celebration, running October 1-10. And we're now using IntelliContact Pro to manage the VANupdate mailing list. It's become a double-opt-in list requiring confirmation of your sign-up.
- August 15, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Opus Ensemble New York, a new 40-60 voice community ensemble on the Upper West Side. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for New York Young Treble Singers. Connecticut's Silvermine Consort has disbanded.
- August 14, 2004: New URL for the Teaneck Community Chorus.
- August 12, 2004: We have removed listings for The Schubert Music Society as the group is not currently active.
- August 12, 2004: Cornerstone Chorale has a new URL.
- August 10, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for La Chapelle-Musique, a Manhattan-based French Baroque chamber choir.
- August 9, 2004: Concert listings for 2004-05 have now been incorporated into the regular VAN Concert Calendar. The Brooklyn Conservatory Women's Vocal Ensemble is now known as the Bella Voce Singers. And the Queens College Choral Society has a new web site. New Choir Directory listing for the Choral Club of Hartford, a men's chorus in the Hartford, CT area. New link for the Big Fat Vocal Feast in Stoneham, MA, coming up on August 29.
- July 30, 2004: We've added a VAN QuickLink and a blurb under "Services" on the home page for NYC Music Places, New York City's free database of available rehearsal and performance spaces for instrumental and vocal musicians.
- July 27, 2004: New URL for Brooklyn Conservatory Women's Vocal Ensemble. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Choir of Saint Luke Church, a semi-professional church choir in Toms River, NJ.
- July 24, 2004: New URL for The Concord Singers.
- July 21, 2004: Older VAN Features can now be found in the Article Archive.
- July 20, 2004: New Choir Directory listing for the Garden State Philharmonic Chorus, a 35-member community chorus based in Toms River, NJ.
- July 18, 2004: New Choir Audition ad and updated URL for Treble.
- July 14, 2004: We've started posting events for 2004-05 in the preview version of the VAN Concert Calendar. Also, we've added a link for the Grieg International Choir Festival, to be held for the first time in September, 2005 in Bergen, Norway. And we've updated the URL for Cerddorion.
- July 12, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Saint Francis Choir, a semi-professional church choir in midtown, directed by Gwendolyn Toth. New Choir Directory listing for the Poughkeepsie-based Cappella Festiva Chamber Choir.
- June 28, 2004: New link for FindUsedCDs.com, a used CD comparison shopping site.
- June 15, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The United Girls’ Choir. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Elm City Girls’ Choir. Both are based in the New Haven area.
- June 8, 2004: Fixed a problem with the revision date in the footer of many of our pages.
- June 7, 2004: New URL for SHE.
- May 27, 2004: New link for Vocaland, a worldwide vocal arts forum.
- May 22, 2004: Central City Chorus has a new web site.
- May 10, 2004: After a long stint in our Links Collection, Harmonytryx is the latest addition to the Choir Directory.
- April 25, 2004: New link for East Side Story, a Boston-based a cappella septet. New Choir Directory listing for Twin Shores Chorus, a men's barbershop ensemble based in Babylon, NY.
- April 14, 2004: New URL for the Putnam Chorale.
- March 28, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Treble Voices of Queens. New Choir Directory listing for Zulal, an Armenian folk trio.
- March 10, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Brooklyn Conservatory Women's Vocal Ensemble. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Aural Antics, a new Manhattan-based vocal ensemble.
- February 17, 2004: New URLs for The Babylon Chorale and Princeton Pro Musica. New link (and Info Exchange ad) for the Sarteano Chamber Choral Workshop, held in Tuscany in August. New link for the Vermont Vocal Foundation. New Choir Directory listing for City Blend, a new mixed a cappella ensemble.
- February 9, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Shiru Shir: The Jewish Community Choir of Flatbush.
- February 7, 2004: New link for Chocolate Pitch Pipes.com, from the makers of ChocoBella World Class Chocolates.
- February 1, 2004: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Renaissance Family Singers, an intergenerational choir based in Jackson Heights. New Choir Directory listing for The Sirens, an all-female a cappella sextet.
- January 29, 2004: Step 2 in our effort to make e-mail addresses in the Choir Directory more resistant to harvesting: e-mail addresses in the source code are now encoded to deter nasty spambots.
- January 26, 2004: We're taking steps to make the e-mail addresses in our Choir Directory and on other pages less susceptible to harvesting by spammers. Step 1: Rather than showing the e-mail addresses on the page, you'll now see just a "Contact" link for those choirs that offer e-mail contact. More to come.
- January 18, 2004: New link for Primrose Music, a UK-based outfit offering a cappella arrangements for choirs. Updated URL for The John Link Vocal Quintet.
- January 17, 2004: We've removed Culturefinder.com (now closed) from our QuickLinks and added ChoralNet.
- January 4, 2004: New URL for Amuse.
- December 21, 2003: We've updated the URL for the Zamir Chorale.
- December 11, 2003: New URL for The Peace of Heart Choir.
- December 7, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Melodia Women’s Choir of NYC. Also, we've updated the URL for Orange County Classic Choral Society.
- November 16, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Gilbert & Sullivan Light Opera Company of Long Island. Also, Uncommon Chord has a new web site.
- November 9, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Church of Our Saviour Choir in Murray Hill.
- November 6, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for the Long Island Symphonic Choral Association, based in Selden, NY.
- October 27, 2003: New URL for Cantabile Chamber Chorale.
- October 17, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for The Fifth Avenue Gospel Singers.
- October 7, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for the Rutgers Church Choir, a semi-professional ensemble on the Upper West Side.
- October 2, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Choirs of Grace Church.
- September 29, 2003: We've added a VAN QuickLink on the home page to the fledgling nyc.choruses listserv.
- September 28, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for the William Appling Singers & Orchestra, a Rockland-based professional vocal and instrumental ensemble. The Bloomfield (NJ) Civic Chorus is now known as the Bloomfield Chorale. Canterbury Choral Society has a new URL.
- September 19, 2003: We've made some minor changes to the Info Exchange in the interest of keeping things tidier and more up-to-date.
- September 18, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the MetropoliTONES, an a cappella ensemble comprised of Seven Sisters alums. And we've added Chorus America to the VAN QuickLinks on the home page.
- September 17, 2003: New link for The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music, an international undertaking to record, preserve and distribute a vast cross-section of American Jewish music from the past 350 years. New (well, updated actually) link for Morton Music, specialists in choral music from Australia.
- September 17, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for the Yale Alumni Chorus.
- September 14, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Christ Church Summit Choir in Summit, NJ.
- September 11, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for Treble, a Manhattan-based female a cappella ensemble. We've removed listings for the disbanding Refrain.
- September 9, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New York Jewish Women's Choir.
- September 8, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Boys' Choir of Westchester
- September 7, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for the Manhattan-based St. Vincent Ferrer Chorale. New Choir Directory listing for the Grace Church in Newark Men and Boys' Choir.
- August 26, 2003: Christ Church in New Brunswick, NJ, home of the Christ Church Choir and Christ Church Schola, has a new URL.
- August 25, 2003: A bit later than in past years, the VAN Report, summer 2003 edition is now available for your review. (The summer 2002 edition moves to the archives.)
- August 20, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Brooklyn-based Union Church of Bay Ridge Choir.
- August 16, 2003: Lots of updated ads to peruse on the Choir Auditions page--more than 60 updates in the past two weeks. And we've merged the preview Concert Calendar for 2003-04 into the regular Concert Calendar pages.
- August 11, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Rockville Centre Choral Society.
- August 8, 2003: We've updated the URL for the Americas Vocal Ensemble.
- August 6, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New Jersey Chamber Singers Youth Chorale, open to boys and girls in grades eight through twelve.
- August 5, 2003: We've removed our listings for the Brooklyn College Conservatory Chamber Chorus as it is no longer open to the community. And we've got a new URL for Hickory Tree Chorus.
- July 31, 2003: We've started posting next season's events in our preview calendar.
- July 30, 2003: We have deleted listings for the Juris Artis Chorale.
- July 28, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Yasna Voices, a new small women's vocal ensemble in Brooklyn specializing in Bulgarian and other eastern European-influenced music. New Choir Directory listing for the Brooklyn Women's Chorus. Also, a new link for Tipbook Vocals, "a handy, accessible, thorough and convenient guide to the vocal instrument, written in close collaboration with classical and non-classical singers and teachers, therapists and other experts."
- July 25, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the New Jersey-based Coro Lirico. We've also got a new link for Southern Fly-By-Night Singers, a mixed ensemble out of Nashville, TN performing a cappella and sparsely accompanied arrangements of chain gang songs, spirituals, blues, folk ballads and original material.
- July 14, 2003: The Community Chorus is now known as The Brooklyn Community Chorus. Our listings have been updated accordingly.
- July 6, 2003: New link for Repertoire Online, offering vocal and choral music digital music files and printable sheet music, along with career support for singers, vocal teachers and vocal students.
- June 29, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Amuse, a new women's vocal ensemble based at St. Michael's Church on the Upper West Side. New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Interfaith Spiritual Community Choir of New York, also based on the Upper West Side.
- June 23, 2003: We've removed our link to choircds.com since the site seems defunct.
- June 22, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Community Choir, based on the Upper East Side. New Choir Directory listing for Musaic, the official chorus of the White Plains Coalition for Cultural and Racial Harmony.
- June 4, 2003: New URLs for the New Jersey Chamber Singers and for the New Jersey Chamber Singers Children's Choir.
- June 2, 2003: New link for the Association of Connecticut Choruses.
- May 16, 2003: We've made some further improvements to our new listing form for Concert Calendar submissions, some of which will make it much easier for us to process new listings. Give it a try!
- May 15, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for The Choir of Saints Peter & Paul Church, a semi-pro church choir based in Hoboken, NJ.
- May 14, 2003: Need to submit a listing for the Concert Calendar? Try our new listing form. (We continue to accept listings via e-mail, too.)
- May 11, 2003: We've updated the URL for Tokyo Voices.
- May 8, 2003: New URL for the Richmond Choral Society.
- May 7, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for Vocal Heights, a Manhattan-based a cappella ensemble.
- May 2, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for the Huntington Choral Society. And we've corrected some minor programming problems with our Download-This-Event feature.
- April 15, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Jazz Choir Reading Sessions, a jazz reading group that meets once a month in Hoboken, NJ.
- April 11, 2003: Kol Rinah, Westchester's Jewish community chorus, has a new website, and we've updated our listings accordingly.
- April 4, 2003: New link for OrganFocus.com, "the source for pipe organ music events, concerts and recitals worldwide."
- April 1, 2003: New link for Friendship Ambassadors, providers of specialized performance tours.
- March 26, 2003: Far afield department: we've got a new link for Linda Angelis, tao musician, inspirational jazz singer and radio presenter from England.
- March 22, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the A Capella Ensemble of NY, a new conductorless vocal ensemble based in Midtown.
- March 20, 2003: New links for the Finger Lakes Choral Festival, held in August in Canandaigua, NY; for Vendini, provider of online ticketing solutions for small to medium sized organizations; and for NY1 News.
- March 18, 2003: New Choir Directory listing and Choir Auditions ad for the Adesso Choral Society, a new mixed chamber ensemble in Ridgefield, CT. Also, we've updated our link for the North American Jewish Choral Festival to be held July 6-10.
- March 17, 2003: New Choir Auditions ad for the Ramapo Valley Spotlight Chorus.
- March 14, 2003: New link for The Tiffany Consort, a one-on-a-part professional vocal ensemble directed by Nicholas White. Also new: a link for An Introduction to Singing, an online course with instructor Kristen Widenmaier.
- March 11, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for the Choir of St. Mary's, an all-pro choir at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin.
- March 6, 2003: New link for Ten and Change, a New York-based male a cappella ensemble.
- March 3, 2003: New listings for the Teaneck Community Chorus in Teaneck, NJ.
- February 25, 2003: New Choir Auditions ad for The 15th Street Singers.
- February 24, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for the SAJ Choir, an Upper West Side a cappella synagogue choir.
- February 19, 2003: We've got updated information about this June's Oxford Summer Institutes at Lehigh in the Links Collection and in the Info Exchange.
- February 16, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for The 15th Street Singers, a Chelsea-based chamber choir. And a new link for RoDeby Music, maker of training aids to "assist choirs in becoming note perfect."
- January 30, 2003: New addition to the Choir Directory: the Jackson Civic Chorus, a community chorus in Jackson, NJ.
- January 29, 2003: New links for Artsnet, an information clearinghouse of arts management resources on the internet, run by the Center for Arts Management & Technology at Carnegie-Mellon; for SheetMusicNow.com; and for Beatboxer Entertainment.
- January 23, 2003: New listings for the APBA Memorial Choir.
- January 13, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for the Choir of the Church of St. Luke & St. Matthew in Brooklyn.
- January 9, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for the First Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir in Englewood, NJ.
- January 7, 2003: New Choir Directory listing for YouthSong, a youth choir based in Ramsey, NJ.
- December 20, 2002: We discovered that our Download-This-Event feature did not properly account for Daylight Saving Time. The problem has been resolved. If you've already downloaded events occurring on or after April 6, 2003 to your PC calendar, please download them again. They should now show the correct start time.
- December 14, 2002: Lionheart's latest CD Palestrina: Soul of Rome has been added to the VAN Store and is available from Amazon.com. Also: a new link for Breck Alan's The Art of Body Singing.
- December 5, 2002: New URLs for the The Rutgers University Queens Chorale and for the Choral Public Domain Library. Updated listing for www.MUSICFOLDER.com, manufacturers of The Black Folder. New Choir Directory listing for Uncommon Chord, a 12-member a cappella ensemble based in Manhattan.
- December 4, 2002: New Choir Directory listing for The Greater New Haven Community Chorus.
- November 29, 2002: Updated URL for the Just Intonation Network.
- November 21, 2002: New Choir Directory listing for The Choral Scholars, a 14-member professional ensemble based in Princeton, NJ. And we've updated our link for The Applause Show.
- November 20, 2002: More new publishing links (most, courtesy Robinson McClellan): Editions Salabert, Schirmer/AMP, Shawnee Press, Chester Music / Novello & Company, Music Sales Group (parent of G. Schirmer, Shawnee Press, Chester-Novello), Boosey & Hawkes, Hal Leonard, Music Dispatch, Sheet Music Online and Sheet Music Direct. We've also updated our link for the Vassar College Devils (also thanks to Mr. McClellan).
- November 12, 2002: New link for publishers Breitkopf & Härtel.
- November 11, 2002: The new Download-This-Event feature of the VAN Concert Calendar allows you to download information about an event of interest directly into your computer's calendar software. It works with Microsoft Outlook, Palm Desktop, Lotus Organizer and other vCalendar-aware calendar programs. Also new: a link for TriangleSings!, a VAN-like site focusing on vocal ensemble music in North Carolina’s Wake, Durham, Orange and surrounding counties.
- November 5, 2002: We've updated the URL for the Hudson Valley Singers. Check out their site to see a creative way to use the web to market a concert.
- November 4, 2002: New link for Musica Sacra.
- November 1, 2002: We've updated our link for The Applause Show, playing a cappella Thursday evenings on WVRM in Montclair, NJ.
- October 27, 2002: New listings for The Peace of Heart Choir.
- October 23, 2002: New listings for the Calvary Choir, a church choir in the Carnegie Hall area.
- October 19, 2002: New listings for the Choir of the Church of St. John the Baptist in Manhattan and the Metropolitan Philharmonic Chorus.
- October 16, 2002: New listings for Saint Luke's Kantorei, a newly-formed church-based community chorus of mixed voices in the Times Square area.
- October 14, 2002: New URL for The Canby Singers.
- October 6, 2002: New listings for the St. Andrew Chorale and for Sarum.
- October 3, 2002: The Canby Singers are at work on a new website. In the meantime, we've removed links to their old, outdated site.
- October 1, 2002: The calendar section of VANupdate now includes all listings for the upcoming half-month in addition to items newly posted to the calendar. And we've added a link for Jaymar.com, an e-commerce music store specializing in choral music.
- September 29, 2002: New URL for the Greenwich Village Singers.
- September 27, 2002: The cabaret trio Eastern Standard Time is now known as Boulevard East.
- September 18, 2002: New listings for The Oratory Choir in Downtown Brooklyn.
- September 9, 2002: New URL for AmorArtis and new listings for The Community Chorus in Park Slope.
- September 5, 2002: New audition ad for the Raritan Valley Choral Society.
- September 3, 2002: New listings for the Judson Memorial Church Choir.
- August 30, 2002: New listings for the AXA/Equitable Center Chorus.
- August 30, 2002: New URLs for Grace Choral Society of Brooklyn and the Americas Vocal Ensemble.
- August 28, 2002: Our listings for Polyhymnia have been updated to incorporate their new URL.
- August 27, 2002: Since the Concert Calendar now includes listings for the 2002-2003 season, we've retired the Preview Calendar. And we've added a link for the MetropoliTONES, a Manhattan-based all-women a cappella ensemble.
- August 23, 2002: New listings for Cantemus, a chamber choir based in Scarsdale, NY.
- August 15, 2002: New listings for The Madrigal Singers, an a cappella ensemble in Mountainside, NJ.
- August 8, 2002: New listings for The New Haven Chorale.
- August 6, 2002: We've redesigned the VAN home page, primarily to put more fresh information "above the fold." Have a look at our first feature article, an interview with Nicholas White, organist and choirmaster at St. Michael's Church. And check out our reorganized navigation tools along the left panel; explanatory bits pop up when you move your mouse over the links. As always, your feedback is welcome. Also, new listings for Schola Liturgica of St. Joseph's Church in Keyport, NJ.
- August 5, 2002: New listings for the Park Avenue Christian Church Choir and for Christ Church Bronxville Choir.
- August 1, 2002: The Village Singers of Westchester are now The Rye Town Federico Singers.
- July 31, 2002: The St. Jean's Choral Society is now the Choral Society of St. Jean's. And we've added a link to musicnotes.com, offering digital sheet music, traditional music books, single sheets and more.
- July 30, 2002: New audition ad for the Hudson Valley Singers. And we've added a new link for mymusicindex.com, a quick-reference, informational music resource designed for music educators.
- July 25, 2002: New audition ad for Westchester's Charis.
- July 24, 2002: The summer 2002 edition of VAN Report, covering the past year's developments at VAN, is now available for perusing. And our Archive pages (old "News" items and old "New on the web" items) have received belated makeovers.
- July 23, 2002: The new VAN Card, now available on our Spread the Word page, can be downloaded, printed and distributed to help spread the word about VAN. Also, we've got a new audition ad for the Morris Choral Society and new listings for the Westchester-based TreasureHouse Chorale. And we've got new links for music publisher and distributor Laurendale Associates and for the Laurendale Associates' Black Folder (thanks, Martha Sullivan). We've deleted our listing for the Westside Chorale, last active in 2000-2001.
- July 17, 2002: You can now view a sample VANupdate before you sign up for our newsletter on the Lists page. New link for beatboxing.com, all about beatboxing and urban a cappella.
- July 16, 2002: New listings for the Bergen Christian Singers, based in Mahwah, NJ.
- July 14, 2002: We've started posting events for 2002-2003 in a preview version of the Concert Calendar. And the current season's calendar and index both have links to the 2002-2003 preview.
- July 13, 2002: New link for Peter Schickele / P.D.Q. Bach. And we've updated the URL for The Tallis Scholars.
- July 2, 2002: New link for The RDM Company, a Texas-based artist management company.
- June 25, 2002: New link for Target Travel, a specialist in choir tours to Italy and Europe.
- June 22, 2002: New listings for Christ Church Schola (Gregorian chant choir) in New Brunswick, NJ. New URL for Christ Church Choir of Ridgewood.
- June 20, 2002: New link for Musica Mundi, producer of international choir competitions and festivals.
- June 19, 2002: You can now search the Vocal Area Network site, courtesy of the fine folks at Google. See the search box, located for now near the bottom of the home page.
- June 17, 2002: New links for American Composers Forum (New York chapter), offering extensive networking opportunities for composers, and Amateur Chamber Music Players, an organization to facilitate informal playing and singing by people of all ages and nationalities, beginners to professionals.
- June 13, 2002: New listings for Kol Rinah (Westchester-based Jewish community choir) and the St. Ignatius Choral Society of Long Beach.
- June 12, 2002: New link for Cool & Jazzy, a mixed sextet from Russia.
- June 5, 2002: New URL for the Dalton Alumni Chorale.
- June 3, 2002: New link for Sirens, a New York-based female sextet.
- May 28, 2002: New listing for refrain, a Manhattan-based a cappella ensemble.
- May 22, 2002: New links for The Fonic and The Applause Show (Thursday nights on WVRM in Montclair, NJ). New listings for The New York Consort, a Filipino-American chamber choir.
- May 13, 2002: The VANupdate mailing list is now being handled entirely in-house rather than via Yahoo!Groups. And VANupdate now includes information about new postings to the Info Exchange. Visit our Lists page to sign up. All that's required is your e-mail address. And we've got a new link for the Oxford Summer Institutes at Lehigh: Institute on Choral and Vocal Music.
- May 8, 2002: New link for CreativeVoices, offering workshops in improvisation.
- May 2, 2002: New listing for the Raritan Valley Choral Society, based in Hillsborough, NJ.
- April 30, 2002: New link for Euphoria, the Boston-based jazz a cappella quartet.
- April 23, 2002: New link for NewMusicBox, the web magazine from the American Music Center, focused on new music.
- April 19, 2002: New link for Gino Sitson, vocal virtuoso from Cameroon.
- April 2, 2002: Color-coded indicators on the Choir Auditions page now show which audition ads are the freshest and which ones are, shall we say, not quite so fresh.
- April 1, 2002: New listing for the Da Capo Chorale, based in Merrick, NY.
- March 27, 2002: Banner ads are now running on the Choir Directory and on Choirs by Night.
- March 26, 2002: New link for Vox Novus, a New York-based site sponsoring and encouraging new music (thanks, Jean Cooper).
- March 22, 2002: We've added Cantare's new website to our listings for the group.
- March 20, 2002: New listings for Cantare, a Manhattan-based ensemble of men's voices founded and directed by Barry Oliver. And the Holy Apostles Community Chorus has a new URL.
- March 17, 2002: New link for Earthsongs, publisher of world choral music, books and CDs (thanks, Amy Kaiser).
- March 14, 2002: New listings for Gioia (NJ-based women's chorus) and the Coastal Chordsmen (CT-based SPEBSQSA chapter).
- March 6, 2002: New links for Gospel Singing.com and GospelChoirs.com.
- March 5, 2002: Did you notice the blank boxes that were showing up periodically where our entertaining and informative banner ads were supposed to be? Well, we understand the problem and we believe we've fixed it.
- February 25, 2002: We've modified the Choir Auditions page so that you can start reading ads before the page finishes loading.
- February 21, 2002: New listing for the Mendelssohn Club of Kingston.
- February 19, 2002: New listing for the Hendrick Hudson Male Chorus, based in the Capital District.
- February 16, 2002: New links for Conductors Club and Associated Male Choruses of America. New URL for the Bloomfield Civic Chorus. New listing for Bayside Glee Club.
- February 14, 2002: Banner ads are now running on the Info Exchange and Links Collection, giving our valued advertisers even better exposure.
- February 9, 2002: New listing for The Village Light Opera Group.
- February 6, 2002: New listings for The Davidson Singers and for the Oxford University Press Choir. And we've got a new link for Oxford University Press.
- February 5, 2002: Home page renovations have begun. The navigation tools at the top of the page now feature the same title graphics found on most of the site's pages. (And the graphics load faster and have some simple rollover effects, too.) Also: new listings for the Singers Forum Chorus.
- February 1, 2002: Use our new link to California Throatsinger to hear mp3 clips of harmonic and throat singing, California-style.
- January 29, 2002: New listings for The Concord Singers, a women's choir in Summit, NJ. And if anyone knows the status of the Hudson Valley Singers, please let us know.
- January 24, 2002: New listings for The Mendelssohn Choir of Connecticut (based in Westport) and the Cathedral of St. Patrick Choir.
- January 17, 2002: New link for the Idaho International Choral Festival, held in July in Pocatello, ID.
- January 16, 2002: New links for Tara Publications (Jewish recordings, music books, books and software) and Backstage.
- January 11, 2002: New York listings in the Choir Directory now include locale information. New York listings in Choirs by Night are now sorted by locale (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan and so on). We've removed listings for The Bergen Chorale (Tenafly, NJ) which has disbanded.
- January 9, 2002: New listings for KAIROS: A Consort of Singers (based in New Paltz, NY) and The Celebration Singers (based in Cranford, NJ). And new links (thanks to Christine Hoffman) for two sites specializing in online choral music: Handlo Music, with 4,500 choral scores, delivered via e-mail; and Choral Sheet Music Download Sites, provided by the Festival Singers of Wellington (NZ).
- January 4, 2002: We've incorporated the new URL for Grace Church Choral Society into our listings.
- January 2, 2002: We've done a major cleanup of the Info Exchange.
- December 20, 2001: New listings for the Golden Apple Chorus, a Sweet Adelines chapter in Hawthorne, NY.
- December 18, 2001: New link for The New York Continuo Collective.
- December 3, 2001: New link for the New York Metro Vocal Arts Ensemble.
- November 30, 2001: Banner ads for auditions are now running on the Choir Auditions page. Also, the service that provided us with New York Times headlines is no longer available.
- November 23, 2001: We've updated the URL for Orpheus Club Male Chorus.
- November 17, 2001: Scarsdale's New Choral Society has a new URL.
- November 16, 2001: New link for The Black Folder, "the world's best choral folder".
- November 15, 2001: We've incorporated the new URL for the Westchester Concert Singers into our listings.
- November 14, 2001: New Choir Directory listings for the Morris Choral Society (NJ) and the Oratorio Society of New Jersey. And a new link for the San Francisco Bay Area Choral Archive, listing choruses of Northern California (thanks, Simona Nass). The Choir Auditions page has now had its makeover.
- November 13, 2001: Concert ads are now running on the Concert Calendar and Concert Calendar Index.
- November 9, 2001: Vocal Area Network is pleased to offer the vocal ensemble community an affordable new way to help you market your events, products and services: VAN Ads. Visit our advertising page for details and sign up to get your message online in time for the holiday crush. Also, we've got a new audition ad for Women Singing.
- November 7, 2001: New listings for Antioch, a ten-member professional chamber ensemble in residence at Trinity Wall Street. And a new link for the Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre, Zalmen Mlotek and Eleanor Reissa, co-Artistic Directors.
- November 5, 2001: The Rye Brook Village Singers are now the Village Singers of Westchester. And we've "de-CSS-ed" the remaining pages on the site that feature our new design: the Links Collection, the Info Exchange, the VAN Store and About VAN.
- November 3, 2001: We've updated our listings for The Stonewall Chorale to incorporate their new URL.
- November 1, 2001: Since we've had scattered reports of Netscape 4.x browsers crashing on some of the redesigned pages that incorporate Cascading Style Sheets, we've decided to remake those pages without CSS. The Concert Calendar, Calendar Index, Choir Directory, Choirs by Night, Feedback and Feedback Highlights pages no longer use CSS, just gold old reliable HTML. The remaining pages that use CSS will be remade in the next few days. We hope you'll find visiting these remade pages with Netscape 4.x browsers to be a more stable experience.
- October 31, 2001: New listings for the Westchester Choral Society.
- October 29, 2001: New listings for Ebony Voices for Education, a Harlem-based community choir.
- October 28, 2001: New listings for the Bloomfield Civic Chorus (New Jersey) and the New Jersey Symphony Community Chorus.
- October 26, 2001: New listings for the B'nai Jeshurun Choir.
- October 25, 2001: New link for Artek, the early music vocal and instrumental ensemble directed by Gwendolyn Toth.
- October 19, 2001: The Choir Directory and Choirs by Night have been made over.
- October 16, 2001: New links for WNYC and WQXR. And the Info Exchange has had its makeover.
- October 15, 2001: The VAN Store has had a bit of a makeover: an updated look and new dynamic links to items of interest from amazon.com.
- October 1, 2001: The Orpheus Club Male Chorus is currently without a web site, so we've removed our links.
- September 28, 2001: New link for StonaLink Music Competition Database.
- September 21, 2001: Our News section now includes Arts headlines from The New York Times.
- September 20, 2001: The fledgling Lawyers' Choral Society has renamed itself The Juris Artis Chorale. Our listings have been updated accordingly.
- September 17, 2001: New link for NYC.gov, the official New York City website. Also, new links for A Cappella Always, an all a cappella Internet radio station; and The Kinsey Sicks, America's favorite dragapella beautyshop quartet, whose show, Dragapella, opens October 10 at Upstairs at 54.
- September 12, 2001: New listings for the Choir of Christ Church (Episcopal) in Oyster Bay, New York.
- September 7, 2001: New audition ad for the Jewish People's Philharmonic Chorus.
- September 6, 2001: Dobsonfly's web site is now up and running, so we've updated our listing.
- September 5, 2001: New listings for St. Peter's Episcopal Church Choir in the East Bronx and for the Northport Chorale. New audition ad for the Brooklyn Philharmonia Chorus. And we've got new links for NYC Music Places, New York City's only Internet database of available rehearsal and performance spaces for instrumental and vocal musicians; and for Bimbetta, a distinctive five-woman early music ensemble (thanks, Ellen Schorr). Also: listings in the Events section of the home page will now have links directly to the corresponding Concert Calendar information.
- September 1, 2001: New listings for the Manhattan Choral Ensemble, directed by Tom Cunningham. Also, the Westside Chorale will not be active in the 2001-02 season.
- August 28, 2001: New listings for the Westchester Concert Singers, the Long Island Masterworks Chorus and The Rockland Camerata. Also, we've added a link for Central Park Conservancy's Official Central Park website.
- August 24, 2001: New links for Bagaduce Music Lending Library (recommended by The Shrewsbury Chorale's Susan Gardiner) and The Groovebarbers. And we've updated the URL for The Exboyfriends.
- August 22, 2001: New links for the A Cappella Foundation, educating the public and broadening awareness of the rich cultural history and art of a cappella music; and for the annual East Coast Summit, this year scheduled for October 26-28 at Boston University. And we've added The Babylon Chorale to the Choir Directory.
- August 21, 2001: New listings for the Dalton Alumni Chorale.
- August 19, 2001: We welcome Diaden (a central Jersey chamber choir) and Chorus 802 (in residence at Local 802) to the Choir Directory and Choir Auditions page.
- August 15, 2001: Shir Song: The Rottenberg Chorale has amended its name once again. It's now Nashir: Rottenberg Chorale. And the Westchester Oratorio Society has a new URL.
- August 13, 2001: New listings for the Young New Yorkers' Chorus, directed by Nathan Davis. And, we've got a new audition ad for New Jersey's Harmonium.
- August 10, 2001: New listings for The Long Island University Chorus.
- August 8, 2001: New listings for the All Saints Episcopal Parish Choir in Hoboken, NJ. And we've added a link for Vocal.dk, a site for Danish choirs, conductors and singers. New, too: links for Events-nyc.com, featuring entertaining, educational, exciting and unusual events for the exploring visitor; and Concert Artists Guild, dedicated to launching the careers of young classical musicians.
- August 1, 2001: New listings for Sharim V'Sharot (Men and Women of Song), an a cappella chamber choir based in Lawrenceville, NJ that's focused on Jewish music.
- July 31, 2001: New link for Music Memorabilia, offering records, sheet music, photographs, books, magazines, posters from the 1800s to the 1980s. Polyhymnia has a new URL.
- July 27, 2001: New listings for the Highland Park Community Chorus (NJ) and a new website for the West Village Chorale.
- July 24, 2001: We've updated the look of the Concert Calendar and Concert Calendar Index. And, we've begun posting listings for the 2001-2002 season (about 47 so far). An enhancement: listings for the 2001-2002 season now indicate the general locale of the event (e.g. Manhattan, Nassau, Connecticut).
- July 23, 2001: New links for Net4Music (downloadable sheet music) and Musica Trinitatis, the concert series at Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church on West 82nd Street. We've also updated the Holy Trinity (Roman Catholic) Choir listing to refer to the Musica Trinitatis site. We've also got a new audition ad for the Connecticut Master Chorale and a new URL for the Riverdale Choral Society.
- July 20, 2001: The Village Singers are now the Rye Brook Village Singers and they're now getting by without a web site. We've got new listings for the Voices Chorale, based in central New Jersey, and for the Westchester Women's Chorale along with a new audition ad for The Stonewall Chorale.
- July 19, 2001: The Rottenberg Chorale is now Shir Song: The Rottenberg Chorale. Our listings have been updated accordingly. Also, we've removed listings for the Clifton Choral Society and the Ramsey Chamber Choir, as both groups are currently inactive. On the plus side, we've added listings for the fledgling Lawyers' Choral Society, a new Manhattan-based group of singing attorneys.
- July 18, 2001: New Choir Directory listings for the New Jersey Gay Men's Chorus, the Garden State Chorale and the New York Treble Singers. And we have new links for String of Pearls, National Choral Council and The National Chorale, along with an updated URL for the Boys Choir of Harlem. The Holy Apostles Community Chorus has posted a new (non-)audition ad.
- July 12, 2001: The Links Collection is the next page on the site to have been made over. And we've updated many of the links, especially the links for collegiate groups.
- July 9, 2001: We've updated our description and e-mail contact for Dobsonfly; removed dead links to Dead Ivy, Sonar and 10fm; and added a link for Haystack Needle, Townsend Belisle's concert producing firm. (Thanks, Warren Bloom.) And, we've embarked on one of our periodic site makeovers. The Feedback page is the first to be redone; more to come.
- July 2, 2001: New listings for Viva Voce, an a cappella choir based in Soho directed by Sarah Pillow. And, the Holy Apostles Community Chorus has a new website.
- June 12, 2001: New URL for the Park Slope Singers. Also, new links for cdstreet (a place to sell your group's CDs) and the Zagat restaurant reviews.
- June 11, 2001: We welcome two new Westchester-based groups, the Choral Arts Society and The New Choral Society, to our listings.
- May 29, 2001: New link for Berkshire-Hudson Singing, a clearinghouse serving choral music in the Capital District (eastern upstate New York) and the Berkshires (western New England).
- May 22, 2001: New resource in our Links Collection (under "Repertoire") for Schubertline, offering instant online printing in any key of hundreds of songs and lieder from the 18th to the 20th century.
- May 16, 2001: New URL and audition listing for Lavender Light.
- May 12, 2001: Updated URL for The Bottom Line.
- May 9, 2001: The New York City Labor Chorus's new URL has been incorporated into our listings.
- May 7, 2001: New listings for the Bronx Opera Chorus and a new link to the Cantors Assembly.
- May 2, 2001: New link for Mystery Date, a sassy male quartet.
- May 1, 2001: Vocal Area Network is pleased to announce that the Douglas Frank Chorale is our first ensemble Sustaining Member. And, we've got new links to Vocal Universe and Town Crier Recordings (home for recordings by The Real Group and Vox P).
- April 24, 2001: The new VAN Sustaining Membership program encourages folks who derive value from VAN's services to help defray some of the costs of providing those services.
- April 23, 2001: We've updated our link for Treble, a 10-voice female a cappella group based here in New York.
- April 18, 2001: New listings for The Heart of New Jersey Chorus (a Sweet Adelines chapter) and The Westchester Chordsmen (a SPEBSQSA chapter).
- April 16, 2001: New listings for The Samaha Vocal Ensemble, a 35-voice group based in Bay Ridge.
- April 15, 2001: Olympia's Daughters, a women's chorus in North Plainfield, NJ, is new to the Choir Directory.
- April 9, 2001: Listings for Cerddorion and the Russian Chamber Chorus of New York have been updated to reflect those groups' new URLs. We've added a link for Mark Shapiro's Paris Singing Adventure. And we've cleaned up a lot of old postings in the Info Exchange.
- April 6, 2001: New to the Choir Directory: the Saint Luke's Choir, a church choir in the Times Square area directed by Pedro d'Aquino.
- April 4, 2001: The Usenet newsgroups features of deja.com are being assimilated by Google Groups, so we've updated our links accordingly.
- April 2, 2001: New Choir Directory listing for Willow, a women's a cappella ensemble based in Nassau County.
- March 26, 2001: Hammond Music Service (listed under "Tools" in the Links Collection) has a new URL and now offers its song-learning products via a secure e-commerce site. And we welcome Shirah, Community Chorus on the Palisades to the Choir Directory.
- March 21, 2001: Listings for Down Town Glee Club have been updated with their new URL.
- March 15, 2001: New listings for The Schubert Music Society, a Harlem-based community choir and one of New York's oldest choral organizations.
- March 14, 2001: New link for French Cultural Services, offering listings of French musical events around the US and information about French musicians.
- March 12, 2001: We've added a link to John Link's Feldenkrais Practice under "Body Work" in the Links Collection.
- March 6, 2001: BabyCenter has been purchased by Johnson&Johnson, and for now, the BabyCenter Store and its affiliate program are in limbo. We've therefore removed our links to the BabyCenter Store.
- February 26, 2001: New listings for the St. Bart's Singers, the volunteer choir at St. Bartholomew's Church. And we've updated our link to The Swingle Singers.
- February 21, 2001: We've snared a link for The Glass Menagerie and have updated our listings accordingly.
- February 13, 2001: New link for Sing! An A Cappella Celebration, a three-day festival of workshops, demonstrations and performances in Nashville, TN running from June 30 to July 2. Also new: a link to Bara Vox, a mixed sextet from Sweden.
- January 31, 2001: New link for Eastern Standard Time, a cabaret-focused trio (Christopher Howatt, Dana Merritt and Beth Covell).
- January 29, 2001: The Choir Directory and Choir Auditions pages have been enhanced with alphabetical navigation tools to make getting around these large files a bit easier. Also, broken links to the VAN home page from several pages on the site have been fixed.
- January 23, 2001: Six new links to Feldenkrais and Alexander Technique resources under the new "Body work" subsection of our Links Collection. Also, a new link for The John Link Vocal Quintet, an ensemble known for vocalise arrangements of instrumental jazz and classical compositions, often featuring improvisation. New, too, is our link to Walton Music, specialists in choral music of Scandinavia. Fixed: the "Index" and "Top" links in each listing in the Concert Calendar.
- January 19, 2001: New ad on the Choir Auditions page for Down Town Glee Club.
- January 15, 2001: The Choir Auditions page has been enhanced to include rehearsal night and neighborhood with each listing. And, we have a new link for Saints and Sinners, a vocal and instrumental ensemble.
- January 9, 2001: We've added Philomusica Chamber Choir, a 40-voice ensemble in East Brunswick, NJ, to our listings.
- January 2, 2001: The VANupdate newsletter now includes the latest updates to Choir Auditions and the Choir Directory.
- December 29, 2000: The Orpheus Club Male Chorus has updated its URL.
- December 26, 2000: The Art Mob has a new web site, so we've updated our listings accordingly.
- December 15, 2000: New listings for the St. Bartholomew's Schola Cantorum, a gregorian chant ensemble. And we've updated our link to Tokyo Voices, Hiroko Juni's Tokyo-based ensemble.
- December 13, 2000: The Links Collection now lists the new vocal sextet Equal Voices. Their web site isn't up yet, but they've got an e-mail link in the interim.
- December 1, 2000: New link for Angelus, a male sextet in residence at St. Michael's Church.
- November 9, 2000: We've snared a URL for CantaLyrica and updated our listings accordingly.
- November 3, 2000: The Down Town Glee Club joins the Choir Directory. New link for The Telesis Ensemble, a vocal and instrumental ensemble devoted to performing concert music of the 20th and 21st centuries.
- November 1, 2000: New listing for The Bergen Chorale in Tenafly, NJ. And we've added a link to Morton Music's Australian choral publications.
- October 30, 2000: Lehman College and Community Chorus joins the Choir Directory.
- October 25, 2000: Vocal Area Network is pleased to offer a new service: VANupdate, a periodic e-mail newsletter featuring the latest news items, new site features and the most recent postings to the VAN Concert Calendar. It's powered by eGroups. Sign up by sending an e-mail to VANupdate-subscribe@egroups.com. Need repertoire suggestions? Try Morton Music Global Choral Resource, repertoire assistance via their expert choral consultants, newly added to our Links Collection.
- October 23, 2000: New links for North/South Consonance, Coda Music (makers of Finale), Sibelius (another music notation program), Hayes Biggs, the New York regional a cappella newsgroup (a regional resource for a cappella fans and groups) and Applause, an a cappella radio show on WDVR-FM (89.7 & 91.9 FM, Central New Jersey / Lehigh Valley) and on WDVRFM.org.
- October 16, 2000: New link for Common Ground, a vocal and instrumental ensemble in residence at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, directed by Jolle Greenleaf (soprano) and Lucas Harris (lute, theorbo, baroque guitar). And, new listings for the St. Jean's Choral Society, directed by Kyler Brown.
- October 5, 2000: New link for A Cappella Radio International (ARI).
- October 3, 2000: We've updated our link to culturefinder.com:New York. And we've added a link to Merkin Concert Hall / Elaine Kaufman Cultural Center at Abraham Goodman House.
- September 28, 2000: Mainely A Cappella's e-commerce site is back in business after some debilitating software problems. They're offering free shipping on all online orders through October 3 as an enticement to return.
- September 27, 2000: Announcing a major reworking of the Resources section of our Links Collection, now categorized and sorted to make things easier to find. Also, we've deleted outdated listings (like Singers Net, ChoirPros, DOO*WA*ZOO, A Capriccio, Anam Cara, The Flirtations), updated others (Collegiate Christian a cappella, NYVocals Discussion List, Choral Public Domain Library, Chicagoland Association of Barbershop Chapters, St. Louis Area CASA Page) and added a few new ones, including aLesson, where pupils and instructors (in voice and other subjects) can find each other; New York Opera Forum, offering training for aspiring opera singers; Barbershop Harmony Chicagoland; Varsity Vocals, now running the National Championship of Collegiate A Cappella; and the North American Jewish Choral Festival. Also, new Choir Directory listings for The Young People's Chorus of New York City.
- September 26, 2000: We've deleted our listings for MidAmerica Productions' Metropolitan Chorale, which disbanded in June, 1999.
- September 25, 2000: New listing for the Pro Arte Chorale of Ridgewood, NJ.
- September 11, 2000: New link for Modern Acappella, "an Internet radio station offering nonstop acappella in streaming MP3 for your listening enjoyment". Send suggestions for the station to Modern Acappella, c/o SLAM Media, 800 5th Avenue #101-296, Seattle, WA 98102.
- September 7, 2000: New listing for Canterbury Choral Society.
- August 30, 2000: New listing for the New Jersey Chamber Singers.
- August 29, 2000: New links for the Huelgas Ensemble and Miller Theatre at Columbia University. Also, new listings for Collegium Westchester.
- August 28, 2000: New Choir Directory listings for Renaissance Laboratory, Bronx Concert Singers and the New Jersey Chamber Singers Children’s Choir.
- August 24, 2000: New link to Global Music Network, "the best of classical music, jazz and opera on the internet". Also, we’re pleased to add Nelly Vuksic’s Americas Vocal Ensemble to the Choir Directory.
- August 21, 2000: New link to Brad Leissa’s Early Music Site (thanks, John Bradley).
- August 17, 2000: New link for Concept Tours, arrangers of performance tours to Europe, South America and Asia for American performing groups.
- August 10, 2000: We welcome City Bar Chorus to our listings. And we’ve added a link to Time Out New York.
- August 7, 2000: New listings in the Choir Directory and on the Choir Auditions page for Polyhymnia, a small ensemble specializing in music of the Renaissance. These listings replace an outdated listing in the Links Collection.
- August 5, 2000: New link for Singers Forum, which offers training for professional and recreational singers.
- July 26, 2000: New URL for The Collegiate Chorale and new listings for Voices from the Labyrinth, a chamber choir specializing in Gregorian chant.
- July 25, 2000: New listings for the Ramsey Chamber Choir and a URL for the Clifton Choral Society.
- July 24, 2000: We’re happy to add a listings for Holy Trinity Choir (West Side).
- July 20, 2000: New link to earBuzz.com, offering services to buyers and sellers of music by independent artists (thanks, John Link).
- July 19, 2000: We welcome Christ Church Choir of Ridgewood (NJ), Greenwich Choral Society and Greater Nassau Chorus to our listings. Pleased to say we’ve found Florilegium’s new web home.
- July 13, 2000: New link to Mic & Mouth Online, a compilation of a cappella resources.
- July 11, 2000: Added The Vocal Group Hall of Fame and Museum to our Links Collection (thanks, Dan Rosenbaum).
- July 10, 2000: We’re pleased to add a listing for the Westchester Chorale to our Choir Directory. And we’ve snared a web link (and other information) for the New York City Labor Chorus.
- July 6, 2000: Lots of new links today, including music publishers DemiQ, Bärenreiter, Edition Peters, Hinshaw Music, Inc., Carl Fischer, Concordia Publishing House, Augsburg Fortress and Gladde Music Publications (choral music of Bradley Nelson). Thanks to Bradley Nelson and Martin Gonzalez for these links. Also new: Fratres (Renaisaance vocal trio) and Choral Group Travel. And, we’ve snared a web site and updated listings for Cappella Oratoriana (also thanks to Martin Gonzalez). Cantori New York’s listings have been updated with its new URL.
- July 5, 2000: VAN’s Summer 2000 update is now available for your perusal. Also, we’ve picked up a web site for the Orange County Classic Choral Society, though the one for Florilegium Chamber Choir seems to have disappeared. We’re investigating.
- July 4, 2000: The Parish Choir of Christ Church (New Brunswick, NJ) is now listed as Christ Church Choir.
- June 26, 2000: New Choir Auditions and Choir Directory listings for Church of the Transfiguration Choir of Men and Boys. Also, for Boston-area fans, new links to Vocal Arts Collaborative and Greater Boston Choral Consortium.
- June 20, 2000: New to our Links Collection, Best Web Sites for the Choral Musician is a well-annotated collection (with a very nice blurb about VAN) compiled by Dr. Philip Copeland of the University of Mississippi.
- June 15, 2000: We’ve updated the URL for Music Before 1800 and added a listing in our Links Collection to supplement the one in the Choir Directory.
- June 5, 2000: We’ve added listings for the Gay Gotham Chorus.
- June 1, 2000: Looking for a choir that rehearses on a particular night of the week? Then Choirs by Night is for you! This companion to our Choir Directory will, we hope, assist you in finding the group of your dreams.
- May 30, 2000: Buy stuff from Lands’ End
? Now buy it through our link and help support Vocal Area Network.
- May 26, 2000: Shop New York’s own J&R Music
. VAN is now a J&R affiliate; a percentage of your purchases here goes to support the activities of Vocal Area Network.
- May 25, 2000: We’re pleased to add The Ridgewood Singers to our Choir Directory.
- May 19, 2000: Our link to the Skidmore College Dynamics has been updated.
- May 9, 2000: Added listings for the Family Choir of Trinity Church, Wall Street.
- May 3, 2000: We’ve updated our link to the A Cappella Web Ring.
- April 25, 2000: Check out The Silvis "Woodshed", a collection of MIDI files of popular choral works, now added to our Links Collection (thanks, Doug Frank).
- April 24, 2000: We’ve added links to the New York Children’s Chorus new web site and listings for the Hickory Tree Chorus, a Sweet Adelines chapter in New Jersey.
- April 21, 2000: The Westfield Glee Club joins the Choir Directory.
- April 8, 2000: The links for the VAN flyer (PDF and PPT) have been fixed. Please download, print and distribute to help spread the word abour Vocal Area Network.
- April 3, 2000: New link for Cantolopera, "The Virtual Opera House."
- March 23, 2000: New link for Lights Out, a New Jersey-based male quartet.
- March 22, 2000: New audition listing, concert dates and a web link for the Ars Musica Chorale of Paramus, NJ.
- March 15, 2000: New link for ArtistForum.com, where you can browse and hear over 5000 independent artists of all musical styles, including a cappella.
- March 9, 2000: Ramapo Valley Spotlight Chorus, a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, joins the Choir Directory. We’ve added Hammond Music Service, a source of choir rehearsal tapes, to our Links Collection. (Thanks to Mark Rubin of the Collegiate Chorale for this suggestion.) Additional new links: Digital City New York, Alliance for the Arts and NYC-Arts Online.
- March 3, 2000: New Choir Directory listing for the Rutgers University Voorhees Choir.
- March 2, 2000: VAN is now an affiliate of the
BabyCenter Store. Your purchases through this link (and through our other affiliate links) help support the activities of Vocal Area Network.
- March 1, 2000: New link for the Doug Frank Chorale.
- February 28, 2000: New audition and directory listings for She and The New England Chamber Choir.
- February 22, 2000: We’ve added the Harmony Sweepstakes site to our Links Collection.
- February 21, 2000: Hudson Shad’s URL has been corrected from ".com" to ".net".
- February 16, 2000: New listings for The Choir of Saint Luke in the Fields and The Lance Hayward Singers.
- February 10, 2000: New link for ChoralPrep Recordings, practice tapes for choirs.
- February 7, 2000: New listings for Grace Choral Society of Brooklyn; new URLs for Orpheus Club Male Chorus and the Taghkanic Chorale.
- February 4, 2000: Buy your computers, peripherals and software from Dell
and support VAN, too. Vocal Area Network has joined the Dell Affilitates program, so we receive a referral fee on everything you purchase.
- February 3, 2000: We welcome the New York Children’s Chorus to the Choir Directory and the Choir Auditions page.
- January 28, 2000: The latest VAN flyer now reflects the site’s new look. And hey, the PDF and PPT files have gotten smaller, making them even faster to download! Also, we’ve updated our listings for the Cornerstone Chorale to include their new web site.
- January 26, 2000: Need sheet music? Songbooks? Microphones? Tuners? Visit Sheet Music Plus and buy them online. VAN is now a Sheet Music Plus affiliate, so we receive a referral fee on everything you purchase. You’ll find a link in the Links Collection under "Resources" and on the home page under "VAN QuickLinks".
- January 24, 2000: Once again, time for a makeover. Highlights: cleaner, leaner design; better explanations of VAN information services on home page; new "About VAN" page; more consistent look on screens of different resolution; more consistent page design and layout; improvements to the layout of the Concert Calendar Index. Comments welcome. Enjoy!
- January 20, 2000: The Choir Directory entry for the Mendelsson Glee Club has been updated with a new web link and e-mail address.
- January 18, 2000: New link for Toast & Jam Vocal Improv Workshops, directed by Susanne Barkan. New Auditions listing for the Cornerstone Chorale.
- January 17, 2000: The latest VAN flyer (see a GIF preview image) is available for downloading in Acrobat PDF and PowerPoint (PPT) formats to help you spread the word about Vocal Area Network. Also, we’ve updated our listing for New York’s Ensemble for Early Music to correct the name and add a URL. We’ve got a new link to Hear the Choirs Sing, a directory of sites that play choral music clips. Riverdale Choral Society joins the Directory and Auditions pages.
- January 10, 2000: We’re pleased to add our first children’s choir, the New Jersey Children’s Choir, to the Directory and Audition pages. Also, the Directory sports a new listing for the Mineola Choral Society.
- January 7, 2000: New Choir Directory listings for the Glen Ridge Choral Society, The St. Marys Choir and The Rutgers University Queens Chorale.
- January 5, 2000: New Links Collection offerings for ASCAP, BMI, Music Publishers’ Association, SongFile and the Harry Fox Agency. Thanks to Christine Hoffman for these links. Also, we’ve added a link to Naturally Seven’s web site, officially debuting in about a week. Naturally Seven used to be known as Seven.
- January 3, 2000: We now offer Directory and Auditions listings for Orpheus Club Male Chorus of Ridgewood, NJ.
- December 27, 1999: New listings in the Choir Directory and Choir Auditions for CantaLyrica, a women’s chorus in Northern New Jersey, and The Sacred Music Chorale of Richmond Hill, NY. Also, the Choir Auditions page is now database-driven, making updates easier. The look is basically the same, but you’ll find more consistent links to groups’ web sites and new cross-references to listings in the Choir Directory.
- December 22, 1999: New listings in the Choir Directory for the Brooklyn College Chorus, Conservatory Chamber Chorus and the Park Slope Singers. A new link in our Links Collection for cabaret singer Lynn Starr.
- December 20, 1999: Introducing the VAN Choir Directory, a comprehensive listing of choirs in the tri-state area. The Directory, which replaces the "New York Area Choirs" section of the Links Collection, makes it easy to find the choral group of your dreams. In addition to web links and contact information, the Directory tells you what night and in which neighborhood each group rehearses and offers a ready link to the group’s VAN audition ad (if they have one). If you already sing in a listed group, help make the Directory more complete by encouraging your group to provide any information that’s missing from the listing. Enjoy!
- December 15, 1999: Choral Public Domain Library, an archive of free choral music,and Polyphony.com, historical performance in New York City, join our collection. And, we’ve added a VAN QuickLink to deja.com’s a cappella message repository.
- December 14, 1999: VAN welcomes The Princeton Singers to our collection of links.
- December 13, 1999: Updated link for Jewish A Cappella and added the Brooklyn Philharmonia Chorus.
- December 9, 1999: Musica, the international database of choral repertoire, joins the "Resources" section of our Links Collection.
- December 8, 1999: New link for Hudson Valley Singers, based in Irvington, NY.
- December 7, 1999: New link for Symphony Space and updated URLs for The Aria Chorus and Musica Viva.
- November 30, 1999: Harlem Jazz Foundation and the Choir of the Church of the Holy Apostles join the Links Collection.
- November 29, 1999: New links for The Hi-Lo’s, Manhattan School of Music and Mannes College of Music.
- November 24, 1999: New link and concert listings for the Schola Cantorum on Hudson, Harlem Opera and Uptown Vocal Jazz Quartet (from DC) to our Links Collection.
- November 11, 1999: A problem with the navigation links on the Concert Calendar and Calendar Index pages has been resolved. Thanks to Susan Gardiner for pointing this out.
- November 10, 1999: Added to our Links Collection (under "Resources") the American Singers’ Opera Project, offering training for the American singer who is ready to embark on a professional career.
- October 28, 1999: Pomerium’s got itself a new domain name.
- October 25, 1999: More links: Taghkanic Chorale, Heart of Long Island Chorus,
- October 22, 1999: New links: Tilles Center at C.W. Post in Brookville, New York; the Holy Trinity Choir; and The Arcadian Chorale, a 55-voice community chorus based in Monmouth County. Also, the Oratorio Society of New York has a new web home and the Riverside Choral Society has a new domain name.
- October 21, 1999: Updated our link for Monmouth Civic Chorus. Added a new link for the Connecticut Master Chorale. Need a break from the New York scene? Check out our new links for the Hawaii International Choral Festival, brought to you by the Oahu Choral Society.
- October 5, 1999: People have been saying nice things about Vocal Area Network. Here’s a sampling.
- October 3, 1999: Added the New Amsterdam Singers’ new web site to our collection. Check out their music rental catalogue--450 works, 35-65 copies of each. You’ll find it under "Resources" in our Links Collection.
- September 28, 1999: Due to the growing length of the Concert Calendar, the coding of the Concert Calendar Index has been changed so that some listings begin to display even as the rest of the page continues to load. Hope that’s an improvement.
- September 24, 1999: New link and concert listings for the New Jersey Choral Society.
- September 22, 1999: Added a Links listing and a Choir Auditions ad for The Glass Menagerie, a downtown group of 40-50 singers directed by Susan Glass.
- September 21, 1999: Minimum Wage has a new URL, so we’ve updated our link. Also snared links for Sonar and Vocal Jam—New York.
- September 16, 1999: Got a new link for Flushing Town Hall.
- September 14, 1999: Yup. Time for another tweaking of the home page design. Lighter colors, improved location for main navigation tools (top instead of side). Comments welcome, as always.
- September 13, 1999: New links for the New Jersey Performing Arts Center and the St. Thomas Choir of Men and Boys (along with listings for their concert series). Also new: culturefinder.com’s listings for New York in our QuickLinks on the home page and in the Links Collection. And, we’ve dispensed with our "Upcoming VAN Events" button; see the Events Overview for details on our past productions.
- September 10, 1999: We welcome Vida, a four-woman a cappella ensemble from Bloomington, IN, who sing traditional, contemporary and folk music from the around the world. See them in New York on January 30, 2000. Also, we’ve updated our Musi-Cal links (thanks, Grace Lee).
- September 9, 1999: Say hello to choircds.com, a distributor of choral music recorded by college, university, professional, semi-professional, community and church choirs.
- September 8, 1999: We’ve updated our e-mail contact for The New Yiddish Chorale and added a link for the Workmen’s Circle Chorus. Also new: National Association of Teachers of Singing.
- September 7, 1999: Fresh links for MidAmerica Productions, ChoralNet, Long Island Choral Society and the Berkshire Choral Festival.
- August 31, 1999: The VAN Store has been redesigned and refreshed. If you buy books and CDs from amazon.com, buy them through our links and help support VAN. Also, got a new link for StARS, the St. Adalbert Recital Series, based at St. Adalbert’s Church in Elizabeth, NJ.
- August 30, 1999: Summit Chorale joins our Links Collection and our Choir Auditions page. We’re pleased to add an audition listing for the West Village Chorale, too.
- August 23, 1999: Duwende joins our Links Collection.
- August 20, 1999: We’ve added audition listings and a new link for the University Glee Club of New York and updated our link for 10fm (thanks, Townsend Belisle).
- August 18, 1999: Harmonium’s got a new URL, so we’ve updated our link accordingly. And, we’ve added links for the Boys Choir of Harlem and the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA).
- August 16, 1999: Can you believe we didn’t have a link for the American Choral Directors Association? Well, we’ve remedied that deficiency. And, we’ve added a link for Dare to Breathe, a nifty mixed quintet out of St. Paul, MN.
- July 29, 1999: New to Links and Choir Auditions: Renaissance Street Singers.
- July 28, 1999: We are pleased to add listings for the Westchester Oratorio Society to our Links Collection and to our Choir Auditions page. See also the listings for their August Summer Sings in the Concert Calendar.
- July 21, 1999: Links Collection updates: Music Before 1800 Productions, The Oratorio Society of Queens.
- July 20, 1999: Not only has the look of the Information Exchange changed, so has the underlying technology. The pages are now generated from an Access database using Active Server Pages. That makes maintenance of the Exchange much easier, and the resulting HTML pages posted to the web are cleaner, smaller and, best of all, faster loading.
- July 13, 1999: Our Information Exchange has a new look. See the latest ads from all categories (now three!) right at the top of the page, with easy access to the complete listings. Enjoy!
- June 10, 1999: We’ve added a navigation button for the Choir Auditions page and rearranged the order of the other buttons.
- June 9, 1999: Our Choir Auditions page has had its file renamed from audition98.htm to choirauditions.htm.
- May 27, 1999: Here’s something new for our Links Collection. Check out The KoolOut, vintage urban music online, netcasting from the heart of NYC.
- May 21, 1999: We’ve updated our links for the Canticum Novum Singers and the New York Virtuoso Singers.
- May 3, 1999: We’ve snared a link for Northern New Jersey’s Masterwork Chorus.
- April 23, 1999: We’ve added a link for Garden State Sacred Harp.
- April 22, 1999: New listings in Links for Sacrum Convivium and the Cornerstone Chorale. Also, Polyhymnia can now be found in the Selected Vocal Ensembles section.
- April 15, 1999: The Links Collection has added the Cantabile Chamber Chorale, a New Jersey-based chamber choir directed by Rebecca Scott.
- March 23, 1999: Hudson Shad joins the Links Collection.
- March 11, 1999: We’ve added a link for the Zamir Chorale and updated their listing on the Auditions page.
- March 11, 1999: We’ve added a link to Metro Social Scene, a resource for singles.
- March 8, 1999: New links for Princeton Pro Musica (concert listings, too) and Pueri Cantores Federation.
- March 1, 1999: The Stonewall Chorale’s web address has changed.
- February 22, 1999: We’re delighted to welcome The Shrewsbury Chorale to our Links Collection, Concert Calendar and Choir Auditions page.
- February 15, 1999: We’ve added a link for RedLine, Columbia University’s premiere (and only) graduate a cappella group. See their ad in the Information Exchange. And, we’ve updated our Chanticleer link—hey, they’ve finally gotten their own domain name.
- January 19, 1999: Learn about tuning systems, temperament and intonation from the Just Intonation Network, via our newly-added link.
- January 18, 1999: New link: St. Thomas Choir School.
- January 15, 1999: Singers Net joins the Links Collection.
- January 14, 1999: New link: Four Winds Earth Chorus.
- January 11, 1999: New links: Lavender Light and GALA Choruses.
- December 16, 1998: Thanks to Mark Johnson for the improved logo graphics that now grace our pages.
- December 15, 1998: New links: Jazz Singers Network and The Vocal Jazz Resource. Thanks, Dan Rosenbaum.
- December 5, 1998: We’re happy to welcome the Cayuga Vocal Ensemble to our Links Collection.
- November 23, 1998: Got a new link to Vox Bop.
- November 2, 1998: Links news... updated Chanticleer link; new links for The Aria Chorus, Polish Singers Alliance of America and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
- October 29, 1998: The St. Cecilia Chorus has updated its web address, so we’ve updated our links accordingly.
- October 28, 1998: New link to Anyone Can Sing, Audrey Hunt’s vocal training and coaching site.
- October 21, 1998: Polyhymnia and the New Media Guide join the Links Collection.
- October 20, 1998: The new VAN Concert Calendar Index offers a quick overview of upcoming events with links to detailed listings from the full Concert Calendar.
- October 6, 1998: Two new links, one for The Accidentals, the other for the brand-new New York Collegium, directed by Gustav Leonhardt.
- October 1, 1998: New links: Deadline Poet (from Boston) and Virtual Voices, an on-line product fulfillment service serving the a cappella community.
- September 29, 1998: We’ve added links to two sites that offer services for professional singers: ChoirPros and Classical Singer Community. And, we’ve got a link to Mainly A Cappella, a new source for vocal ensemble CDs, videos and sheet music, created by Don Gooding. Also new: The Swingle Singers, Take 6 and Bobby McFerrin.
- September 28, 1998: New link for Don’t Tell Mama; updated link for those crazy Minimum Wage guys.
- September 18, 1998: At last we’ve snared a link to Lionheart; Ball in the House has joined the collection, too.
- September 16, 1998: New additions to the Links Collection! Pomerium, Voices of Ascension, Sweet Honey in the Rock and the Vienna Choir Boys.
- September 14, 1998: We’ve updated our link for the Riverside Choral Society.
- September 11, 1998: Corrected layout and font size problems for Netscape viewers. Apologies for the aesthetic lapse. Please let us know if anything else is amiss.
- September 2, 1998: Look for older "News" items in our new Archive of old "News" items.
- August 26, 1998: The Vocal Area Network CD and Book Store is open.
- August 25, 1998: Vocal Area Network has joined the amazon.com Associates Program. Book and CD purchases through the links on our site help support Vocal Area Network.
- August 24, 1998: We’ve added a link for New York City Gay Men’s Chorus.
- August 17, 1998: We’ve updated our link to The Heightsmen of Boston College and we’ve added a new link for The Dennis Keene Choral Festival, which just concluded its successful debut season in Kent, CT.
- July 15, 1998: We’ve added Vocalist International (the International Singing Discussion List) and NYVocals Discussion List to our Links Collection.
- June 22, 1998: We’ve changed the background on the front page and on the calendar to provide better readability for folks with browsers that don’t support colored table cells. Hope this helps.
- May 7, 1998: We’ve added a link and concert listings for Charis, a Westchester-based vocal chamber ensemble directed by Susanne Peck.
- April 27, 1998: Calendar listings for the Russian Chamber Chorus of New York have been updated.
- April 6, 1998: Lots of new listings and links for ensembles at New York University, including Mass Transit, Ani V’ata, APC Rhythm, Substantial Performance and the All-University Gospel Choir. Thanks to Michael G. Benoit of Mass Transit.
- April 1, 1998: New or updated links for Dead Ivy, the exboyfriends, Minimum Wage and 10fm. Nifty new technology department: check out Sunhawk, purveyors of digital sheet music over the ‘net. And, we crunched some of our home page graphics so our page should load faster.
- March 31, 1998: On the barbershop front, we’ve corrected our link to SPEBSQSA and added links to Sweet Adelines International and Harmony, Inc.
- March 30, 1998: New Links: The Big Apple Chorus, The Blue Hill Troupe and Chicagoland Association of Barbershop Chapters (CABC).
- March 24, 1998: New Links for The Tallis Scholars and The Bottom Line.
- March 18, 1998: We’ve added a listing and an e-mail contact in our Links Collection for Treble, a 16-voice female a cappella ensemble based in New York City.
- March 12, 1998: We’ve redone the look of the Concert Calendar. And, we’ve snared a link to the St. Cecilia Chorus.
- March 10, 1998: Time for a new web look: spiffier, and with simplified navigation. We’ve started with the home page and will work our way through the rest of the site very soon. Comments welcome. And, we’ve updated our link for The Stonewall Chorale.
- January 29, 1998: See new Links and Concert Calendar listings for Amor Artis.
- January 22, 1998: We’ve added listings for Almost Acappella to our Concert Calendar.
- December 2, 1997: New to our Links Collection: the New York A Cappella Scene, run by CASA Ambassador Lisa Dawson.
- October 6, 1997: Cerddorion, New York’s premier chamber vocal ensemble, has a new web site, accessible from our Links Collection.
- September 29, 1997: See our new link to Da Vinci’s Notebook.
- September 5, 1997: VAN welcomes A Capriccio, a new all-male quintet out of the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, to our Links Collection.
- August 26, 1997: We’ve updated our link to the Dartmouth Cords.
- August 22, 1997: We’ve added a link to The Bitter End. We’ve also cleaned up this "New on the web" section and archived our old bits (see below).
- August 18, 1997: Visit our new link to the Russian Chamber Chorus of New York.
- July 8, 1997: Our link to the Boston A Cappella Scene has been updated.
- June 5, 1997: Visit the new Chorus America site or check out CitySearch: New York City and newyork.sidewalk, all new adds to our Links Collection.
- June 3, 1997: We’ve snared a new link to The Salomone Trio for our Links Collection.
- May 10, 1997: See new Concert Calendar listings for Vox Bop and Singsation. Also, 1996-97 Harmony Sweepstakes national champions M-PACT will make their New York debut September 2 at The Bitter End (for those of you who plan early). We’ve also added their web site to our Links Collection.
- May 6, 1997: Check the Concert Calendar for some new listings for Cantabile, Cappella Oratoriana, String of Pearls and The Art Mob.
- April 24, 1997: Check out our new link and updated concert listings for The Canby Singers.
- April 16, 1997: Try out our updated link to the Duke’s Men of Yale.
- April 15, 1997: Apologies for the recent delays in updating this site. Now that the webmaster’s wedding (see above) and honeymoon are completed, expect more timely information. Thanks for your patience, support and good wishes.
- March 5, 1997: New concert listings for Amor Artis and updated listings for Cerddorion NYC’s spring concerts.
- February 27, 1997: We’ve added a link for Anam Cara and updated our link for the Monmouth Civic Chorus.
- February 6, 1997: Our link to The Nylons has been updated.
- January 27, 1997: New adds to the Concert Calendar: concerts by The Oratorio Society of New York and Saint Luke’s Choir.
- January 17, 1997: We’ve updated our link for The New York Choral Society and added a Concert Calender listing for a Sacred Harp Open Sing on January 25.
- January 15, 1997: Our link for The Real Group has been corrected; you no longer need to know Swedish to read their page.
- January 7, 1997: Updated link now available for Boston A Cappella Scene, web pages managed by Greg Bowne, Boston-area CASA Ambassador. See also a new listing (with e-mail contact) for the George Eastman House Chorus.
- January 6, 1997: Happy 1997! Our Links Collection now offers new connections to Canticum Novum Singers and Florilegium Chamber Choir, along with updated links for Five O’Clock Shadow and Vox One. Also, see the VAN Concert Calendar for updated information on Cantabile’s January 17th performance.
- December 12, 1996: See calendar additions for Stay Tuned, Ensemble for Early Music, Russian Emigre Choir, West Village Chorale and The Huelgas Ensemble.
- December 2, 1996: More calendar listings for the holiday season for String of Pearls, The Salomone Trio, Saint Cecilia Chorus, National Chorale, Musica Sacra and The New York City Gay Men’s Chorus.
- November 23, 1996: More new calendar listings for Monmouth Civic Chorus, Musica Viva, New Amsterdam Singers, Ascension Music and Central City Chorus. Also, a new link to Channel 13-WNET in our Links Collection.
- November 20, 1996: See the VAN Concert Calendar for new listings for Harmonytryx, The Canby Singers, The Canticum Novum Singers, The Hudson Valley Singers, P.D.Q. Bach and Cerddorion NYC.
- November 18, 1996: New links: The Collegiate Chorale, The Greenwich Village Singersand Harmonium.
- November 13, 1996: At long last, the debut of the Vocal Area Network Concert Calendar.
- October 23, 1996: We’ve added a new "Best Bits" navigation header to help you quickly find the highlights of our site. "Best Bits" loads automatically in the left Navigation frame when you enter the site.
- October 10, 1996: The Events section of What’s New has been reorganized to present information in chronological order. Easier, no?
- September 24, 1996: The Vocal Area Network web site has been completely redesigned, primarily to more accurately reflect our current business plans. We also hope it will be easier to navigate, especially as we add more services and events. And hey, we like playing with web tools. Comments and feedback are especially welcome. If you have web skills and you’d like to contribute to the maintenance and development of the site, please contact our Technology Ensemble Leader, Dan Rosenbaum.
- September 20, 1996: A new addition to our Links Collection: Tokyo Voices.